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Sonic Foundry ExpressFX 1


Sonic Foundry ExpressFX 1

Release Notes (DL)

April 2000

Copyright © 2000 Sonic Foundry, Inc. 232u2020c All rights reserved.


This document contains information on the following topics:

1.0 Registering ExpressFX 1

2.0 What's New in Version 1.0a

3.0 Known Issues

4.0 Contacting Sonic Foundry, Inc. 232u2020c

Registering ExpressFX 1

Your copy of ExpressFX 1 will run in demonstration mode until you fully register the product via the telephone or the Sonic Foundry Web site. To register ExpressFX 1 with Sonic Foundry, follow the instructions shown in the Registrations dialogs that display when you select an ExpressFX 1 plug-in from within your DirectX-compatible host application.

2.0 What's New in Version 1.0a

When ExpressFX is installed with ACID 2.0d or later, ExpressFX will be registered automatically when you register ACID.

ExpressFX 1 can now be used as Track FX in Sonic Foundry Vegas Pro.

Issues in the registration process have been resolved.

Problems with crashing in the Reverb plug-in have been resolved.

3.0 Known Issues

With some video drivers in some bit depths, namely STB Velocity 128 in 16-bit color, the background color of the Sonic Foundry logo on the ExpressFX 1 window is incorrectly displayed due to a driver problem. This problem affects only the appearance of the effect window; the performance and operation of the ExpressFX 1 Plug-In is unaffected. However, there are several things you can try to eliminate this problem:

Acquire a new driver for your video card.

Change to 4-, 8-, or 32-bit color.

For Windows 9x users only: disable the Hardware acceleration option on your PC. To do so, follow the steps below:

Click the Start button, followed by the Settings and Control Panel options. The Control Panel window displays.

Double-click the System icon. The System Properties window displays.

Click the Performance tab.

In the Advanced Settings area, click the Graphics button. The Advanced Graphics Settings window displays.

Click on the Hardware acceleration slider button and drag it all the way to the left, toward None.

Click the OK button. The Advanced Graphics Settings window closes, saving your setting.

Click the OK button. The System Properties window closes.

4.0 Contacting Sonic Foundry, Inc. 232u2020c

Sonic Foundry can be contacted in the following ways:

Sonic Foundry, Inc.

754 Williamson St.

Madison, Wisconsin 53703


Telephone:  Main Line (608) 256-3133

Technical Support (608) 256-5555

Fax:  Main (608) 256-7300

Technical Support (608) 250-1745


E-mail:  Technical Support

Customer Service


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