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VOLFIED v2.00 Copyright (C) 1991 Empire Software

Loading Instructions

----- ----- ----------

Insert disk in drive and type VOLFIED

Volfied will automatically detect the available graphics adaptor, and 20520h718u will

choose the highest available configuration. However, if Volfied is unable to

detect the configuration correctlty, or a different setup is required then the

following command line options are available :-

C CGA - Color Graphics Adaptor (320x200, 4 colors)

E* EGA - Enhanced Graphics Adaptor (320x200, 16 colors)

V VGA - Video Graphics Array (320x200, 16 colors)

T TGA - Tandy Graphics Adaptor (320x200, 16 colors)

* The EGA version will only work correctly if there is at least 96 Kbytes

of video ram installed on the adaptor.

Volfied will try to detect the best available soundboard, if no soundboard is

detected, then the internal speaker will be chosen, the auto-detection can be

overridden with the following command line options :-

A Adlib/Soundblaster

H Tandy

S Internal speaker

Q Quiet - No sound output

Installation Guide

----- ----- -------

Volfied is designed to run automatically off of one 3.5inch or two 5.25inch

floppy disks. To run Volfied off of a hard drive simply create a directory

for Volfied and copy all the files to the hard drive




COPY A:\*.*

Game Controls


Select number of players 1 or 2

Select difficulty level 1, 2 or 3

Quit the current game Escape

Quit Volfied Escape whilst in the intro

Move up Joystick up/Cursor up

Move down Joystick down/Cursor down

Move left Joystick left/Cursor left

Move right Joystick right/Cursor right

Fire Joystick button/Space bar

Music/sound effects on S

Music/sound effects off Q

Document Info

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