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WAH_ml User Manual



User Manual

Not really a wah pedal emulation. It's a nice moog ladder VCF designed to be used like a wah. Controls are provided to set the range of the cutoff frequency. Make it possible to c 19319f514t reate some truly smooth filter effects in real time controlled by a midi continuous controller pedal. Also for a volume dependent filter use with Fretted Synth Auto Midi CC to create an auto filter.


Cut - Adjusts the filter cutoff frequency within the range set by the hi and low controls.

Low - Sets the minimum cutoff frequency allowed on the cut control 0 - 10. Click once to highlight then enter a value from the computer keyboard.

Hi - Sets the maximum cutoff frequency allowed on the cut control 0 - 10. Click once to highlight then enter a value from the computer keyboard.

Note - You can switch the low and hi values to reverse the cut control.

Hi and Low values are not stored by presets or hosts. (coming soon)

Res - Adjusts the amount of resonance.

Vol - Adjusts the effect volume.

CC# Map - Cut #1, Res #3, Vol #7 and on/off #64

Thank you

Thanks to Jeff McClintock for SynthEdit

Thanks to Marc Lindahl for Moog VCF ladder filter.

VST plugins by Steinberg Media Technologies AG.

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