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Welcome to Yet Another Tetris

Version 1.05

Copyright 1991 by Peter Mueller

YATETRIS is a public domain program. So feel free to give copies

to your friends, neighbours, mommies, daddies, and enemies. BUT:

I don't give any warranty of correctness nor do I accept

responsibility to anyone for the consequences of using it.

YATETRIS is a Tetris-like game for Windows 3.0. It comes to you

in a ZOO file including the following files:


YATETRIS.FIG Definition of standard Tetris figures

YATETRIS.HSC Highscore table

YATETRIS.HLP Help file (I hope the English is well enough,

if not, send me a correction list ...)

YATETRIS.INI Initialization file


All these files, except the DOC-file, are expected to be in the same


2. Figures

All used figures are defined in a file called YATETRIS.FIG. In this

version a figure editor is included. Use Windows Help for editing


3. Version Chat

Well, this is the first release. Stay tuned for next versions which will


- more levels

- a more satisfying figure editor

- a new level editor

Nevertheless, if you detect any mysterious behaviour or other strange

things please contact me at

or, if this is not possible, write to

Peter Mueller

Detmolder Str. 15

1000 Berlin 31


4. Initialization File YATETRIS.INI

There are three values which you can modify:

figures=<path to figure file>




figures is the full path to a figure description file. If no path

is specified the YATETRIS.EXE directory is taken.

levels turns level orientated game on and off, respectively.

(Default is on.)

shadow turns shadow below playground on and off, respectively.

(Default is on.)

Additionally, each level have its own entry in which you can modify

a level's drop time and its lines to solve. Take


for an example. This means that level 1 will have a figure drop time

of 500 and that you have to solve 10 lines before entering the next

level. (To make the figures drop faster just enter a lower value.)

5. ToDos

- A lot of clean up

- Doc's, doc's, doc's

- And then there is C++ ...

6. Bugs

- Dunno if this is really a bug: After closing the game the About

window of PM tells me, that I've lost 1K of memory. (But after asking

in good old some kind soul told me: "Let It Be, Let It Be" ...

Windows' memory management ...)

7. Programming and Testing

YATETRIS was (and is) programmed with Borland C++ 2.00 (hope to get 3.00 as

soon as possible). It was tested in Windows 3.0 (386 Enhanced Mode),

MS-DOS 5.0, and TDW.

Viel Spass,


P.S.: I also have a German version. If someone's interested, drop me a

note ...

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