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ASSD -Integrated services for RICOP laid-off from Moreni region



RICOP PHARE Project no. 9904.3.03.010

ASSD -Integrated services for RICOP laid-off from Moreni region

Regional Office: Alexandria

Author of report:

Andrei GHEORGHE Date of Report: 17th, July 2003


Date of visit: 16th, July 2003 Expert: Andrei GHEORGHE


Organization/persons met:

Asociatia de Sprijin a Somerilor Dambovita - ASSD Dambovita

Maria Florica PICIORUS, Project Coordinator ASSD, Project Director

Location: Headquarter of ASSD, Moreni, jud. Dambovita

Module: AEM


Purposes of the visit:

To meet the project team

To check the project status

To advise, if the case, on any issues occurred in the project implementation.

Issues discussed:

The meeting between MA and Ms. PICIORUS started at 10.00 in ASSD Dambovita, Moreni premises.

Discussions were on:

Development of training seminars and counselling activities: the beneficiaries that started training and counselling activities in June from the project target groups: one groups of more than 20 people started training activities, counselling - more than 20/20 RICOPs newly registered, and hired in June - 9/9 RICOPs from the total number of counselled).

Other clarifications in order to avoid non-eligible expenditures

The intermediary report was submitted early July and is expected to be endorsed by MA end July (23rd)

Problems encountered:

The addendum no. 1 about:

A computer purchase and a printer

Some refurbishment amount for modernising the location where the activity takes place and also for the sanitary group

These expenses are transferred from "Unforeseen expenses reserve" (computer and printer) and from "Administrative costs" (materials for modernising the location where the activity takes place and also for the sanitary group)

The line 5.2 "Methodological Assistance Due for the Unemployment Agency" was also modified because of the fact that this institution decreased its taxes

produced no effects, there are some certain delays in both activities (purchase and refurbishment) even though the addendum was approved a month ago.

Solutions recommended and/or implemented:

To urge the purchasing process for the approved new equipment and the refurbishment activity. The project will be ended most probably in time. No further request for prolongation is expected.

Next steps planned:

Next visit to ASSD Dambovita will be held most probably in September.

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Apreciat: hand-up

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