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Audiograbber v1.82


Audiograbber v1.82

Audiograbber is a program that copies music and stores it on your computers harddisk. Its main purpose is to copy music from CD's. This process copies the music digitally and thus you will get perfect copies. It i 454u2019e ncludes functions to check that the copies made are true to the original. Not all CD-ROM drives can however read digital audio so there is also an option to copy the music through the soundcard with a slight sound degradation. It is also possible to copy sound via the soundcard from an external source, like a turntable or a radio.

Audiograbber can connect to a database (freedb) on internet and download and upload disc information like tracknames etc. It has a normalize function to make tracks from different cd's sound equally loud. Tracks can be saved as wav files or converted to MP3 or WMA files with external programs like Fraunhofers L3enc or internal codecs like Fraunhofers acm CODEC, BladeEnc's freeware MP3 DLL, the LAME freeware MP3 DLL, or Microsofts Windows Media Audio codec.

System specifications:

Windows 95 / 98 / ME / NT / 2000 / XP

CD-ROM connected to IDE or SCSI.

A CD-ROM reader that can actually read digital music (Not all of them can) is useful but analog sampling is also possible. A soundcard is however needed for analog sampling.

Choose Contents in this help file for further information on Audiograbber.

What's new? See version information

The difference between audio CD's and normal data CD's.

The latest version of this program can be found at: (primary site) (mirror site)

I can be reached on the following e-mail address.

Please read the hints section before sending me any e-mails asking for support.

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