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Iron Hands


Iron Hands

CA: Unknown

WD 261. The Iron Hands have been unforgiving devotees to the Emperor's word since the time of legends, where the god-like Primarchs walked among men. Through countless centuries the Iron Hands have remained unwavering in their faith and belief. They have endured dark years of suffering and pain, where others have faltered and been forgotten by time. They look with disgust on those who lack their strength of will and punish them without remorse. Their Primarch, Ferrus Manus, is seen as a strong and unwavering warrior-god, the savior of his people, who will return one day to lead all of humanity from the darkness that besets them from all sides and within.

Iron Hands use the following units from Codex Space Marines:

HQ  Space Marine Heroes, Librarian, Iron-Fath 18418f51s er (see below), Command squad, Venerable

Dreadnought (see below)

ELITES  Dreadnought, Space Marine Veteran squad

TROOPS  Space Marine Tactical squad, Scout squad

FAST ATTACK Assault squad, Bike squadron, Attack Bike squadron, Scout Bike squadron, Land Speeder squadron, Land Speeder Tornado, Land Speeder Typhoon

HEAVY SUPPORT Devastator squad, Predator Annihilator, Predator Destructor, Vindicator, Land Raider, Whirlwind

A copy of Codex: Space Marines is necessary to field an Iron Hands Space Marine army. The following rules and Codex changes apply. Note that the entire army must be Iron Hands, not just one or two squads.


'More Machine Than Man' - Bionics: The Iron Hands constantly mechanize their bodies, striving always to strengthen themselves. Iron Hands characters may purchase bionics for half the usual cost. 5 points for Iron Hands.

Terminator Armour: The highly valued suits of Iron Hands Terminator armour are worn by inspiring individuals within squads, rather than by a specific squad of Space Marines. The Iron Hands may not choose Terminator squads as Elites choices. However, Iron Hands Veteran Sergeants can be given Terminator armour chosen from the Space Marine Armoury.

Mechanicus Protectiva: The Iron-Fathers do not wear the Rosarius like the Chaplains of other Chapters. Instead they wear the Mechanicus Protectiva, a powerful arcane device often incorporated into the Iron-Father's power armour. The small energy field projected by the Mechanicus Protectiva provides the Iron-Father with a 4+ Invulnerable save. This may be taken instead of the Iron-Father's normal armour save.














Weapons: Power weapon, Mechanicus Protectiva, and Bionics.

Options: The Iron-Father may be given any equipment allowed from the Space Marine Armoury. This may include 'Techmarines only' items.

Servitor Bodyguards may be equipped with close combat implants (count as power weapons) at +10 pts each.


Independent Character: The Iron-Father is an Independent Character and follows all the special rules detailed in the Warhammer 40K rulebook unless he is accompanied in battle by a Servitor Bodyguard.

Servitor Bodyguard: Servitors are gifts bestowed upon the Iron-Father by the Adeptus Mechanicus. They are half-human, half-machine creations that carry out menial tasks for the Iron-Father and serve him as a bodyguard.

To represent this, the Iron-Father may be accompanied by a bodyguard of between 1-4 Servitor bodyguards. The Servitors and the Iron-Father form a single unit. If the Iron-Father is killed, then his Servitors will deactivate and are removed also.












Type: Walker  Crew: One Space Marine

Weapons: The Dreadnought's left arm is equipped with a Dreadnought close combat weapon that has a built-in storm bolter. The Dreadnought's right arm is equipped with one weapon from the following list: assault cannon at +30 pts; twin-linked lascannon at +50 points; twin-linked heavy bolter at +30 pts; multi-melta at +40 points; plasma cannon at +30 pts; twin-linked autocannon at +35 points.

Options: The Venerable Dreadnought may be equipped with any of the following vehicle upgrades for the cost listed in the Space Marine Armoury: extra armour, searchlight, or smoke launchers. No upgrade may be chosen more than once per Venerable Dreadnought.

The storm bolter may be upgraded to a heavy flamer at an additional cost of +10 pts.

The close combat weapon may be upgraded to a missile launcher at an additional cost of +10 pts.

The Venerable Dreadnought may be equipped with a Sacred Standard from the Space Marine Wargear list at an additional cost of +20 points.


Old & Wise: Venerable Dreadnoughts are revered, ancient warriors who are extremely wise in the ways of war. If an Iron Hands army includes one then it may re-roll the dice if the mission being played has a dice roll to see who gets the first turn.

Hard To Kill: Venerable Dreadnoughts are extremely tenacious. To represent this, when the Venerable Dreadnought take a glancing or penetrating hit, you may force your opponent to re-roll the resulting damage. You must accept the result of the second roll.

Document Info

Accesari: 1391
Apreciat: hand-up

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