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week three objectives


Upon completion of this week's instruction you should be able to:

Use the flight computer to convert between weight and volume when given appropriate data.

Use the flight computer to find the wind velo 22422q1611w city when given appropriate data.

Use the flight computer to find heading and groundspeed when given appropriate data.

Use the flight computer to find both crosswind and head/tailwind components when given appropriate data.

Use the flight computer to find Mach number when give appropriate data.

Use the flight computer to find TAS (both above and below 300 knots) when given appropriate data.

Describe the three legs of the triangle of velocities.






True airspeed

Wind velocity


Solve speed, distance, time problems using the flight computer.

Multiply two numbers together using the flight computer.

Divide one number by another using the flight computer.

Using the flight computer convert between feet, meters, and yards.

Using the flight computer convert between Fahrenheit and Centigrade.

Calculate temperature rise using the flight computer.

Using the flight computer calculate true altitude when given appropriate data.

Using the flight computer calculate density altitude when given appropriate data.

Use the flight computer to find track and groundspeed when given appropriate data.

Use the flight computer to find wind velocity when given appropriate data.

Use the flight computer to find both crosswind and head/tailwind limits when given appropriate data.

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Accesari: 1215
Apreciat: hand-up

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