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Okresy warunkowe mieszane:


Okresy warunkowe mieszane:

Najczęściej stosujemy je mówiąc o teraźniejszych skutkach (II warunek) przeszłego wydarzenia (III warunek). Np

If I had been born a boy, I would be a man now.

If I had been born a girl, I would probably be married to Ralph now.

I would be dead if I had eaten the mushroom soup yesterday. There were some poisonous toadstools in it.

Zamiast if = unless (= if not), suppose, supposing, provide, imagine....

Ćw Okresy warunkowe mieszane. Przetłumacz

(gdybym napisał) this report last week, (nie pisałbym) it now, late at night.

(gdybym regularnie chodił) to the dentist (moje zęby nie byłyby) full of holes today.

(gdybym urodził się) into a Greek family (byłbym) a Greek.

(gdybyś się urodził w 1896 (miałbyś) over a hundred years old !

(nigdy nie wyszła za mąż) a man who (był żonaty) before.

I know you've been to Scotland a few times, but where in Scotland (pojechałbyś) to (gdybyś nie był) there before ?

(gdybym wysłał) this letter to Colin two weeks ago, (miałbym już) the answer.

(nie musielibyśmy gotować) anything tomorrow, (gdybyście nie zjedli) everything yesterday for dinner !

(gdyby plany Cromwella się powiodły = to work well), (czy Brytania byłaby) a republic today ?

If (terroryści by nas porwali) when we where in Cairo last week (gdzie byśmy byli) now ?

2 / 63 Zdania warunkowe - przegląd. Popraw ewentualne błędy.

If I will go to Sweden, I'll definitely visit Gotebrg.

Will you marry me if I tell you I love you more than English grammar ?

If cats hadn't eaten mice, people wouldn't have domesticated them.

I might have been attacked by that shark if I went swimming with you in the ocean.

If you had let the cat in, Freddie, it wouldn't have been mewing outside the main door now !

What ! Did you really start writing your exam from the most difficult question ? If I were you, I would have tried doing easier exercises first.

Sharon Stone would be playing in the "Jurassic Park" now if she didn't break her leg while rock-climbing.

If you lose an important match, you will feel as bad as when you lose an unimportant one.

If Albert Einstein were a good student at school, he would never become so interested in Physics and would never become a famous physicist.

If I had the computer games I can get now, when I was in my primary school, I would never have graduated it.

If you add two and two you get five.

We can take your kite if there'll be wind tomorrow.

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