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Zaimki zwrotne


Zaimki zwrotne

Wyrazy:myself, yourself występują jako zaimki zwrotne odpowiadające polskim zaimkom: się, siebie, sobie,sobą. W odróżnieniu od języka polskiego w języku angielskim każdemu zaimkowi osobowemu odpowiada oddzielna forma zaimka zwrotnego:

I -

You -

He -

She -

It -

We -

You -

They -

UWAGA: yourself - yourselves !

Have you hurt yourself ?

Don't be sorry for yourselves.

Task. Complete with : myself / yourself....

look after cut learn hurt

Be careful ! Don't .......... ..... ...... .......

The boy was lucky. He didn't ..........................

I'm trying to .......... ..... ...... ........ but I'm not making much progress.

Don't worry about us. We can .......... ..... ...... ...

Różnica między - selves i each other ( one another )

Tom and Ann stood in front of the mirror and looked at themselves.

.......... ..... ...... .......... ..... ...... .......... ..... ...... .........

Tom looked at Ann and Ann looked at Tom. They looked at each other (one another).

.......... ..... ...... .......... ..... ...... .......... ..... ...... .........

How long have Tom and Ann known .............................?

At Christmas friends often give .......... ..... ...... ...... presents.

Did children enjoy ............................ when they were on holiday ?

They were happy together. They loved .............................. very much.

They are still not speaking to .........................

Some people are very selfish. They only think of .............................

Nora and I don't see .......... ..... ...... .. very often these days.

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