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FUTURE SIMPLE (Viitorul simplu)


FUTURE SIMPLE (Viitorul simplu)

a) affirmative

S + SHALL + vb. (infinitiv scurt)


Obs : 'LL - SHALL (invechit) + I , we

WILL (fam.) + toate persoanele

Ex :

I'll buy a new stereo next month . (Luna viitoare īmi voi cumpara o combina .)

They'll come later . (Ei vin mai tarziu .)

She'll be here soon enough . (Ea o sa vina destul de repede .)

b) interrogative

SHALL / WILL + S + vb. ?

Ex :

Will you buy this stereo from me ? (O sa-mi cumperi combina ?)

Will they come next week after all ?

after all = pana la urma

c) negative

S + SHAN'T + vb. (infinitiv scurt)


! to want = a vrea


Future Simple este folosit pentru a exprima actiuni viitoare .


compusi cu NEXT : next summer

next Monday

tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, 3 week from now, 5 days from now

Ex :

My sister will have a baby in 3 month .

Will my sister have a baby in 3 month ? Yes, she will .

No, she won't .

My sister won't have a baby in 3 month .


I'll buy a present / gift for my father next week .

Will / Shall I buy a present for my father next week ? Yes, I will .

No, I won't .

I won't buy a present for my father next week .


  1. Prietena mea o sa se mute la Bucuresti peste 3 luni .
  2. Prietenii nostrii o sa-si cumpere un catel de ziua fetei lor .
  3. Bateria o sa mi se termine luni .
  4. Filmul o sa inceapa in 20 minute .
  5. O sa plecam timp de o saptamana .

battery = bateria

to be over = a se termina

puppy / dog = catel

go away = a pleca

to move = a se muta

  1. My friend will move to Bucharest in 3 month .

Will my friend move to Bucharest in 3 month ? Yes, she will .

No, she won't .

My friend won't move to Bucharest in 3 month .

  1. Our friends will buy a dog for their daughter's birthday .

Will our friends buy a dog for their daughter's birthday ? Yes, they will .

No, they won't .

  1. The / My battery will be over in 4 days .

Will my battery be over in 4 days ? Yes, it will .

No, it won't .

My battery won't be over in 4 days .

  1. The movie will begin in 20 minutes .

Will the movie begin in 20 minutes ? Yes, it will .

No, it won't .

  1. We'll go away for a week .

Will we go away for a week ? Yes, we will .

No, we won't .

below = de mai jos

customer = client, cumparator

French dressing = sos frantuzesc

take away = ceva la pachet (mancare la pachet)

homemade = de casa

dishes = feluri de mancare

also = de asemenea, si

too = de asemenea, la fel

the ground floor = parter

ground = pamant

floor = etaj

the first floor = primul etaj



penthouse = apartament de lux



  1. Alegerile vor avea loc maine dimineata .
  2. O sa fiu ocupat toata ziua .
  3. Vaporul o sa ajunga pana duminica .
  4. O sa ne mutam intr-un apartament nou .
  5. Tata o sa se pensioneze la anul .
  6. Ministrii o sa se intalneasca la Strasbourgh .
  7. Unde o sa locuim dupa nunta ?
  8. Presedintele o sa dea un interviu la TV .
  9. Ea o sa cineze cu sotul ei la restaurant .
  10. Saptamana viitoare o sa merg la dentist .

elections = alegeri electorale

to take place = a avea loc

busy = ocupat

ship = vapor

by = pana

to retire = a se pensiona

Minister = ministru

the Ministry of Justice = Ministerul Justitiei

President = presedinte

interview = interviu

to give = a da

wedding = nunta

to have dinner = a lua cina / a servi cina

* Describe your family .



  1. The election will take place tomorrow morning .

Will the elections take place tomorrow morning ? Yes, it will .

No, it won't .

  1. I will busy all the day .

Will I busy all the day ? Yes,I will .

No, I won't .

I won't busy all the day .

  1. The ship will get by Sunday .

Will the ship get by Sunday ? Yes, it will .

No, it won't .

  1. We'll we move .

Will we move ? Yes, we will .

No, we won't .

We won't move .

  1. My father will retire next year .

Will my father retire next year ? Yes, he will .

No, he won't .

  1. The Ministers will meet on Strasbourgh .

Will the Ministers meet on Strasbourgh ? Yes, they will .

No, they won't .

The Ministers won't meet on Strasbourgh .

  1. Where we will living after wedding ?
  1. The President will give an interview on TV .

Will thePresident give an interview on TV ? Yes, he will .

No, he won't .

The President won't give an interview on TV .

  1. She will have dinner with her husband at the restaurant .

Will she have dinner with her husband at the restaurant ? Yes, she will .

No, she won't .

She won't have dinner with her husband at the restaurant .

  1. I will go next week on the dentist .

Will I go next week on the dentist ? Yes, I will .

No, I won't .

I won't go next week on the dentist .

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