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BAC 2002 1-2 ore Engleza

profesor scoala

BAC 2002 1-2 ore


.1)to tell                 2)to stay 3)carry 4)to work 5)left 6)must

2.1)left just 2)warning 3)might 4)needn't have run 5)to watch 6)will have gone

3.1)might as well       2)already 3)is there 4)compass 5)to talk 6)used to be

4.1)the                     2)fundamentally 3)revise 4)mustn't 5)even though 6)should

5.1)the moment 2)are 3)were 4)it's getting 5)are 6)there is

6.1)these days         2)say; is 3)is; it is much 4)are 5)in a few minutes 6)are; them

1.My flat was broken into while I was away.

2.The more sweets you eat, the fatter you get.

3.John may be busy today, as he has to write an essay by tomorrow. GI-Hasdeu 2002

4.If only I hadn't told them about it last night.

5.They inquired what had happened that morning.

6.If I hadn't lost my key, I could have entered the house.

1.If you had listened to me, you wouldn't be asking these questions.

2.There is no doubt about my being promoted in a month's time.

3.This was a difficult decision for me to make.

4.We were sent all the documents in time.

5.He may have been seriously ill if he neither came nor called.

6.He was asked what he was going to do.

1.It turned out that the loss of his job was a good thing.

2.There has been growing interest in digital television over the last year.

3.If it hadn't been for her constant help, I wouldn't have succeeded.

4.I'd rather you wouldn't make so much noise.

5.I wish I had known you were in town. I'd have given you a call.

6.Tom didn't fail the exam and Mary didn't either/ and neither did Mary.

1.There is no excuse for such behavior.

2.While attending this course you won't learn anything, believe me.

3.The longer we delay, the less likely we are to clinch the deal.

4.Not having any other alternative I accepted the job.

5.A doctor has already been sent for.

6.I wish somebody had thought of inviting them too.

1.Jim didn't drink any beer on Saturday night as he usually did.

2.Never have I been to a nicer place.

3.Britain is a much more densely populated country than Canada.

4.So cold and rainy was the weather that nobody would go out.

5.I'd rather you hadn't invited so many people.

6.Under no circumstances is he to be told the truth.

1.Not for a moment did I believe Jane's explanation.

2.No sooner had I got on the train than it started.

3.The farther they advanced into the forest the more scared they became.

4.Only if you send a CV will you be admitted to the interview.

5.If only I hadn't been so rude to you at Tom's party.

6.If it hadn't been for his sister's love and devotion, he wouldn't have recovered so quickly.

1.wasn't able

2.if I could hadn't been were


6.will have left

1.I wouldn't have

2.may have told



5.of your

6.didn't watch

1.didn't come                           4.mind could

2.remembered we had           5.needn't worry have finished                    6.was taken

1.dining; had

2.won't be happy; is promoted

3.was living; met; became

4.graduated; spent; was offered

5.smoking; to risk setting

6.couldn't; was going

1.calling; letting; decide

2.finishes; will have been

3.have been trying; have you been

4.had; was; had been working

5.have known; have never understood; attracted; is shining; are singing; looks

1.has made; spends always criticizing; do

3.have; will go

4.signs; needs; is

5.had been looking; met; fell; to ask; looking

1.had received; was finally told; was cured

2.selling; going to live

3.began; had read

4.looked; had put in thinking; trying

6.has kept; wasn't surprised; is she going to do

1.have been; heard; did you do

2.spent; making; needn't have bothered; didn't come

3.realized/hadn't understood/repeated

4.asks/I have gone/I will be/can/needn't/it won't be

5.I was going to/was/made

6.has John telephoned/I don't know/he would stop/on phoning you mean; wasn't; had been; would have called

2.didn't rain; would be able

3.won't regret spending; modernizing; gets; sells thinking of setting up; would you give

5.did you feel; received; was; wouldn't you have been

6.has he proposed; don't know; would stop; will never

1.I have been trying to get John on the phone for the past week. I think he must have gone abroad. Do you have any idea when he will be back?

2.I didn't need to tell Alison the bad news. She had already heard. Tim had told her the previous evening.

3.I didn't realize that Shane had passed the exam the last time it was conducted. If I had known, I wouldn't have insisted on her filling in another form.

4.What will you do if the police realize you have given them false information? I would just say I was mistaken.

5.I wish I spoke Spanish. If I could I would have understood the film we saw last night much better.

6.The police have been questioning the suspect for several hours but so far they haven't got any new information from him.

1.didn't you

2.oughtn't they you

4.was there

5.will you

6.shall we

1.don't you

2.won't he

3.could he

4.aren't I

5.will you they

1.hadn't they

2.wouldn't you

3.isn't there

4.don't you

5.wouldn't he

6.will you

1.haven't they

2.oughtn't you

3.shall we

4.did she

5.wouldn't you

6.did she

1.Everyone was shocked when they announced the terrible news.

2.This silk blouse must be washed by hand

3.James is said to be the most gifted physicist in the department.

4.Tracksuits are being produced at a rate of 500 a day but they are selling badly.

5.The annual government subsidy of the museum might be lost.

6.The tomb had been opened long by the robbers long before it was found by the archeologists.

1.I remember being taken to the zoo every week by my beloved grandfather.

2.I'm sure it's high time Tom was told the truth about his adoption.

3.The law of gravity was discovered by Newton.

4.If the murderer had been found, he would have been sentenced to prison.

5.Steps had been cut and a rope had been fixed by previous climbers.

6.This couldn't have been painted by Leonardo because such clothes weren't worn by people then.

1.I don't like Peter's coming late.

2.I was woken up by the barking of the dog.

3.Tom's delighted at having won the prize.

4.Helen's mother was annoyed at Helen's answering her back.

5.Paul, congratulations on having been promoted.

6.John is responsible for hiring and firing staff in this company.

1.having been examined/to be operated on

2.are kept/having been thoroughly examined                    

3.about being interviewed

4.being introduced to

5.of being given


1.It suddenly occurred to me that we had been stuck in.

2. What upset us most was his attitude.

3.Unless she had spent the whole day lying in the sun, now she wouldn't  complain about being sun burnt.

4.But for your help he wouldn't have managed.

5.If the children hadn't eaten all the biscuits this morning I could have offered you some.

6.We are looking forward to seeing you again.

1.Suppose you weren't invited to Tom's wedding, what would you say?

2.As long as he pays his share he may stay in the spare room

3.Our new director wants to be addressed as 'Sir'.

4.Ii was such a boring film that I walked out before it ended

5.If by any chance you're arrested you are under no obligation to say anything.

6.I'm thinking of going to work overseas.

1.My sister had her flat redecorated last weekend by all her friends.

2.We certainly don't want such a ridiculous spectacle to be repeated.

3.I said I was willing to give a helping hand provided I could find the time.

4.It's silly to go home now; we may as well stay the night.

5.Let's meet tomorrow again in order to settle the last details of the contract.

6.Providing the teachers are well paid there won't be a shortage of them.

1.We are thinking of getting the roof of the house repaired

2.Helen was thought by everyone to leave her husband

3.Watever the circumstances don't tell them anything

4.You don't have to come if you don't want to

5.I won't be home until late

6.It's the first time Tony has been to Spain

1.Jim will give me funny little presents

2.It is thought that the tomb dates from the 15th century

3.We might as well leave now

4.I got everything I need

5.I couldn't possibly tell him the sad news

6.Before you dismiss her I think you should take into consideration her age

1.Michael said he hadn't eaten anything since the day before.

2.The engineer said they wouldn't be able to finish the project until the next week.

3.The customs officer said it was essential that he pay the extra duty then.

4.The principal regretted to inform them that the interview had taken place that morning.

5.Jane said everything had been arranged the previous morning.

6.The painter said he wanted to finish that job that day.

1.The manager told us that the information Mr. Okinawa had asked for couldn't be provided.

2.The mayor announced that the new theatre would have been finished by the end of that year.

3.The policeman asked how the lion escaped from that cage.

4.Rebeca reminded him not to forget his compass.

5.Elisabeth blamed him for their being late.

6.Frank congratulated her on winning the first prize.

1.He refused to accept any new responsibilities without a pay raise.

2.Nigel apologized for not having finished the report on time.

3.The courier informed them that they would leave the hotel at 7 a.m.

4.Hary denied having taken part in the fight.

6.Flora suggested going to the movies that night.

6.The salesman claimed the new camera would be the best on the market. 3.with 5.from 6.of

1.took to/took up 2.woke up 3.will be taking off 4.took off 5.arrived at 6.were pulled down

Subject III

Pop singers and film stars are watched by millions of young people all over the world. Many of these people choose an actor or a singer as role models in life. That's why I think that singers and actors have a great responsibility; they have to set an example in everything they do because young people will follow their example. Unfortunately many times the stars behave in an irresponsible way, using drugs, driving under the influence of alcohol, committing acts of aggression against reporters or committing suicide such as Kurt Cobain or Elvis Presley did. In such cases their fans become disappointed or puzzled or they may even try to do the same thing. I think it is difficult to control yourself when you become a star because you think you are great, everybody likes you and you may end up in a fantasy world where you are no longer yourself. Personally I don't have a role model and I like actors and singers for their films or songs and I'm not obsessed by anyone of them.


The last week I spent at school with my teachers and colleagues was the most wonderful time I spent in high school because teachers didn't give us grades any more, we came to school out of pleasure and remembered the good and the bad moments we spent during the four years of high school. We took a lot of photos and came dressed in elegant clothes, everybody was nostalgic, the teachers forgave us for the hard time we gave them and we forgave them for the bad grades they gave us. I was happy because I had finished high school but I was also worried about the graduation exam and the university entrance exams that followed soon. Almost every teacher came to out classroom to tell us a few words about the time we spent together and give us some advice about the future. Some girls in my class were so moved by these moments that they cried as if it was the end of the world but in general everybody was happy and optimistic about the future.


The twentieth century was a very remarkable time for mankind because many developments took place during this time. One of the most important and regrettable events of the twentieth century was the second world war when many people died, Jews were exterminated in concentration camps and Romania got under the influence of the Russians for about 50 years. During the second world war the first atomic bomb was used at Hiroshima and it had devastating effects. I think that the invention of the atomic bomb was to change the balance of power in the world and may lead to the end of the world. Another important event was the invention of the computer and later the Internet which nowadays are used everywhere in the world: in schools, hospitals, airports, banks. Without the computers many companies won't be able to survive and civilization will go back 100 years.

Volunteering in Romania is almost unheard of. During the communist dictatorship everybody was supposed to do some volunteer work: students planted trees, people worked at the weekends . Nowadays everybody wants to make money and it is difficult to find someone willing to work without getting anything in return. This is because Romania is a poor country and people don't have enough money to think of doing some more work for free. Volunteers have come to Romania from other countries to work in the orphanages, in schools and hospitals and these people have always been welcomed in our country but I think that it will take a lot of time before Romanians start doing volunteer work because many people see the corrupt politicians and the bankers who steal a lot of money and they think they would be stupid to work for nothing.

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