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Sibiu, Closca 1A Str.

Tel: 0269-232871

Mobile: 0722-219525


February 10, 2004

Dear Sirs,

I am writing to you to apply for a management position-Key Account Manager, that would suit my training and education.

My experience relates entirely to FMCG, as you can see in my resume.

For the past seven years I have been working for two major international tobacco companies in the Sales Department and Trade Marketing Department.

I have contributed to the development and consolidation of the position that J.T.I. (Japan Tobacco International) holds on the tobacco market. Within J.T.I., I was in turn Sales Representative, Sales Supervisor, Area Manager, Regional Sales Manager, Field Sales Manager, Senior Sales Manager.

The starting point of my activity in JTI was connected to the beginning of JTI business in Romania, contributing in the long term to the enhancement of the JTI activity in 34 counties in Romania.

The responsibilities within J.T.I. have been related to the settlement and implementation of the sales, distribution and merchandising strategies, trade and consumer promotion at the regional level as well as at the national level for the launching of new products (e.g. Launching MORE cigarettes) and the involvement in different national projects - e.g. Direct Sales Distribution for JTI.

My last position was in Total Distribution Group (TDG), the second national distribution company and my goal, as National Sales and Product Manager, was to reorganize and develop the sales department. I took over the following responsibilities: negotiating with new partners, developing the existing distributing products, preparing the sales forecasts, analysing the profitability of the distribution activities, making-up the personnel structure of the sales department and the credit policy.

I enjoy the challenge of creating, building and growing professional sales teams, that is why, based on my training background I think that I could be useful for a leading multinational company, which acts on the Romanian market. I would be most pleased to discuss with you for an opportunity in that direction.

For further details please find enclosed my resume.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Yours sincerely,


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