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Vremuri 1968


1. Vremuri
[Moni Bordeianu & Nicolae Covaci, Victor Suvagau]

Hei, tramvai, cu etaj si tras de cai,
Hei, joben, ce umblai la "Mon jardin",
Hei, bunic, cu monoclu erai sic,
Hei, can-can, cu picioarele-n tavan.

Toate-au fost la timpul lor ceva exagerat,
Anii au trecut in zbor si lumea le-a uitat.
Da, da...

Hei, pletosi, cu pantaloni stamti si soiosi,
Chitaristi, zgomotosi si fantezisti,
Minijup, foarte scurt si strans pe trup,
Hei, tu shake, indracit ca un berbec.

Toate sunt la moda-acum si tot exagerat,
Timpul trece ca un fum si tot va fi uitat.
Da, da...

Hei, tramvai, cu etaj si tras de cai,
Hei, joben, ce umblai la "Mon jardin",
Hei, bunic, cu monoclu erai sic,
Hei, can-can, cu picioarele-n tavan.

Toate-au fost la timpul lor ceva exagerat,
Anii au trecut in zbor si lumea le-a uitat.
Da, da...

2. Canarul
[Moni Bordeianu & Nicolae Covaci, Victor Suvagau]

Canarul galben ca un galbenus
Cu pene moi si ochii dusi
Canta de dupa sarmele de-argint
Si viersu-i se pierdea in vant
Deodata, ochii tristi din cap tresar
Si da din aripi, dar in zadar
Lovi cu pieptul sarmele de-argint
Cazu in jos cu pieptul frant.

Sarman canar, ti s-a parut
Ca zarile ti s-au deschis
Dar n-a fost doar decat un vis
Ranit tu ai cazut.

Canarul galben ca un galbenus
Cu pene moi si ochii dusi
Canta de dupa sarmele de-argint
Si plansu-i se pierdea in vant.

3. Lady Madonna

Lady madonna children at your feet
Wonder how you manage to make ends meet
Who finds the money when you pay the rent?
Did you think that money was heaven sent?

Friday night arrives without a suitcase
Sunday morning creep in like a nun
Monday's child has learned to tie his bootlace
See how they'll run

Lady madonna baby at your breast
Wonders how you manage to feed the rest

See how they'll run

Lady madonna lying on the bed
Listen to the music playing in your head

Tuesday afternoon is never ending
Wednesday morning papers didn't come
Thursday night your stockings needed mending
See how they'll run

Lady madonna children at your feet
Wonder how you manage to make ends meet

4. Friday On My Mind
[Venda Wright-Young]

Monday morning feels so bad.
Everybody seems to nag me.
Come on Tuesday I feel better.
Even my old man looks good.
Wednesday just won't go,
Thursday goes too slow.
I've got Friday on my mind.

Gonna have fun in the city.
Be with my girl, she's so pretty.
She looks fine tonight.
She is outa' sight to me.

Tonight, I'll paint it red.
Tonight, I'll lose my head.
Tonight, I've got to get tonight.
Monday I have Friday on my mind.

Do the five day drag once more.
No one, nothing else that bugs me.
Now I'm working for the rich man.
But I'll change his tune one day.

Tonight I'll get mad.
Tomorrow I'll be glad.
'Cause I've got Friday on my mind.

Gonna have fun in the city.
Be with my girl she's so pretty.
She looks fine tonight.
She is outa' sight to me.

Tonight, I'll paint it red.
Tonight, I'll lose my head.
Tonight, I've got to get tonight.
Monday I have Friday on my mind.


Gonna have fun in the city.
Be with my girl she's so pretty.
Gonna have fun in the city.
Gonna have some fun.
Be with my girl she's so pretty.
Gonna have some fun.

Gonna have fun in the city.
Gonna have some fun.
Be with my girl she's so pretty.
In the city tonight.
Gonna have fun in the city.

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