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Group BE 03


"Slow down, darling. You (1) ....... (to drive) much too fast."

"I know, but by the time we (2) ........ (to get) to the church, the marriage service (3) ........... (to start). If 14114m1212o you (4) ......... (to take) such a long time to get dressed, we'd have been there by now. I finished (5) ........ (to dress) an hour before you did."

"It's not my fault. You (6) ............. (to tell) me that we were in a hurry."

"Now there's a police car behind us. It (7) ........ (to signal). I (8) ........ (to stop)."

"Would you mind (9) ......... (to show) me your driving licence, sir? You realise you (10) .......... (to drive) at a hundred miles an hour, don't you?"

She loked so strange ....... he was terified.

She saw nobody and ...... did I.

No, thank you, we've ........ had lunch.

I would rather live on my own than ....... up with her

French is not ........ a difficult language as Chinese.

The factory will be shut down ........ the manager finds a solution.

He was ...... handsome and intelligent.

This is the fastest train I have ........ taken.

This is the man ....... brother I used to work with.

As usual, your opinion differs ...... mine.

I think it's high time you ....... up smoking!

How long ....... did you start taking violin lessons?

I resent depending ...... his help.

I'm looking forward to ....... on holiday.

Lily as ...... as Lucy has agreed to come.

They didn't do it. It's simply impossible.


I advise you to read it twice before you sign.

You ................

I went to the watchmaker as I wanted him to mend my watch.

I wanted to ...............

In spite of our repeated warnings, they kept doing it.

Although ................

He didn't find a taxi and so he missed the train.

If ...................

I stopped jogging in 1990.

It's .................

I think it would be good for you to give up.

You ...................

It's ages since we talked openly.

We ..................

I have never heard such a bad singer.

He is ...................

I will give you a rise provided that you work on Saturday, too.

Unless .................

It was not necessary to post the letter today.

You ....................

Her parents didn't let her join us in the camp.

She ...................

I'm absolutely sure that he did it on purpose.

He ....................

I think it would be better for you to leave.

I'd rather ..................

I shouldn't have paid so much for that ring.

I wish ....................

2. to bring something up

3. to get something through

4. to come up with something

5. to get round someone

V.         Write a five-paragraph essay on one of the following topics:

" People that don't have a hobby are boring." or "Nowadays, telephone as a means of communication can successfully replace writing letters."

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Apreciat: hand-up

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