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Examining the Ship by the Customs


Examining the Ship by the Customs

Words and Expressions

to report = a raporta, a anunta

to fill up (in) = a completa

blank form = formular

report list = declaratie de sosire

ship's papers = documentele navei

ship register = certificat de registru

manifest of cargo = 21121f55v manifestul încarcaturii

list of stores = lista de provizii si materiale din cambuza

search note = nota de perchezitie

to rummage = a perchezitiona

unentered goods = bunuri nedeclarate

spirits = spirtoase

perfume = parfumuri

photocamera = aparat de fotografiat

to smuggle = a face contrabanda

radio room = cabina statiei radio

entry outward = declaratie la intrare

victualling bill = lista de provizii

port clearance = permis de plecare

private = particular, personal

property = bunuri personale, proprietate

to belong = a apartine

particulars = detalii, amanunte

block capitals = litere de tipar

victuals = provizii, alimente

as a matter of fact = de fapt

As a matter of fact, all the formalities connected with clearing in and clearing out are fulfilled by the ship's agent.

The customs officers come aboard the ship to search or "rummage" the vessel for unentered goods and to see if there are any prohibited goods or goods liable to duty.

It is well known that each country imposes import duties on certain goods brought into the country.

To prevent smuggling such goods as spirits, wines, cigarettes, tobacco, perfumes, photocameras and others, the customs officers request the captain to give the declaration of ship's store bond and of dutiable goods kept aboard for the use of the ship's crew and passengers.

The customs officers sometimes leave for the crew only a certain quota and place under seal the surplus stores.

Before any cargo is allowed to be shipped, the vessel must be entered outwards. This is done by the master signing the "Entry outward" form and delivering it to the customs.

Leaving the port the ship must have: the clearance label with seal (which is sometimes called the "Cocked Card"), the victualling bill, the port clearance and the bill of health.

Document Info

Accesari: 1891
Apreciat: hand-up

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