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The gap between generations


The gap between generations

Adolescence is that period in everybody's life when the gap between generations is very often felt.

Although most differences in attitudes between younger and older people have narrowed over the past 30 years, the younger generation is becoming more distrustful of society than were their counterparts in prev 19219k104t ious decades.

A report found that the younger generation, aged 18 to 24, is turning away from the Republican party and that their voting rate is decreasing.

When the generation gap became a national issue in the early 1970s, society was going through revolutionary changes, which contributed to large differences between the attitudes of the young and older people.

The group gap in trust is probably due to demographic changes, including an increase in divorce.

The three items with the biggest gaps between the oldest and the youngest groups surveyed in 1985 were newspaper reading (44.8 percentage points of difference), approval of legalizing sexually explicit material (49.6 percentage points), and approval of socializing in bars (53.7 percentage points). In 1997 the three categories with the biggest differences between generations were approval of legalizing sexually explicit materials (43.0 percentage points of difference) newspaper reading (51.2 percentage points of difference) and having voted in 1996 (53.4 percentage points of difference).

The distrustful generation is also the disconnected generation. Compared with previous generations of young people, as well as contemporary older people, today's young people are less involved in their communities.

Those evidences are only parts of studies made by the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago.

In my opinion, I agree that between generations are some differences. The people in the old generation had a different life because of the old conceptions about life, of the big differences between social classes and because of their undeveloped industry and science. Now, in the new generation, we have other conceptions about life, the industry and the science are well developed and we don't put anymore the accent on the social classes differences. We are freer to do more things then the old generation's people.

In our days, we have more perspectives for future, we have more possibilities to learn in different schools and universities to became everything we like.

In conclusion, we have to understand our parents and grandparents because they lived in a different world and try to help them to understand us and this new world. In a few years, we will have to understand our children and the new world that they will live.

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