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  Berth No : .2..

To Messrs : __ENI GAETA_____ _______ ______ _______   


Dear Sirs

Welcome on board of our vessel. According to instructions I have received from my Owners / Managers / Charterers and in order to achieve a smooth and expeditious loading operation, towards our mutual safety interest, please be informed of the following :

Vessel request a cargo quantity of ___________ M.T.of _____ _______ ______ ___________

Vessel request a number of 3 x 16" cargo hoses.

Vessel request a starting rate of max ______________ C.M./Hr for a period of abt 15 min.

Vessel request a maximum discharging rate of ______________ C.M. / Hr.

Vessel request a topping rate of max ____________ C.M./Hr for the last 500 C.M. to go.

Vessel request a cargo loading temperature of __________ C/F

Vessel request to complete loading operations by SHIP / SHORE STOP

Likewise, please fill in the relevant terminal information on the second half of this sheet.

Yours sincerely,   

Master M/T .............

Port of : ____________________ Terminal : _____ _______ ______ ________

Please be informed of the following :

Terminal is able to provide a number of _______ x ________ cargo hoses.

Terminal loading rate this instance is __________________ C.M. / Hr.

Terminal cargo nomination is _____ _______ ______ ________ M.T.

Terminal agrees to SHIP / SHORE STOP and vessel's starting / topping rates.

Terminal requires ______________ minutes notice for stopping.

Other terminal requirements ( if any) __________ ______ ____ _____________

  Terminal Representative

  Name / signature

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Accesari: 2824
Apreciat: hand-up

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