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Recompensam angajatii


Dorim sa recompensam angajatii care in ultimele 3 luni au avut realizari deosebite in ceea ce priveste:

Echipa un rol important in dezvoltarea spiritului echipei, energizarea si motivarea echipei in atingerea scopului comun;
  • Inovatia idei indraznete ce duc la imbunatirea continua a productivitatii, costurilor; solutii noi la probleme vechi;
  • Schimbarea depasirea barierelor, atitudine pozitiva si indrazneata, contributia la implementarea strategiei si indeplinirea obiectivelor departamentului;
  • Atitudine contributia la implementarea valorilor organizatiei (GP), receptiv la feedback-ul primit de la line-manager, colegi, subordonati, contributie la dezvoltarea subordonatilor, contributia la construirea unor relatii excelente incadrul departamentelor

  • Criterii

    Aceste premii nu vor fi acordate pentru recunoasterea unor eforturi normale la locul de munca, cum ar fi munca suplimentara sau inlocuirea unui coleg absent. De aceea, pentru a primi acest premiu, angajatul trebuie sa demonstreze realizari semnificative in una din categoriile de mai sus, care pot fi regasite in felul urmator:

    imbunatatiri in ceea ce priveste cultura organizationala

    un standard nou pentru munca in echipa, imbunatatirea moralului echipei

    cresterea eficientei sau a productivitatii cu impact financiar semnificativ

    cresterea reputatiei companiei

    un proces nou sau o teorie noua care pot fi adoptate si de alte departamente

    Formular nominalizare angajatul lunii - Operations

    Numele si dept salariariatului pe care doriti sa-l nominalizati: Daniel Margarit

    Numele dvs si modalitatea de contact (tel, e-mail,etc): Daniel Puiu (

    Care sunt realizarile individuale si beneficiul aferent adus companiei?   

    Daniel participated to B6 performance increasing (together with the training team he had the initiative and the contribution to do a 1-week maintenance for this machine - solving the main systematically issues of this machine - stamping unit / pack reservoir jams and naked wrap cellophane). After their maintenance B6 reached the highest productivity in the last 2 years.

    Daniel had the contribution for SMD standards maintenance and continuous improvement, as a team leader displaying a good example for others and enabling and energizing his team - B6 & B9 always being a good example in the standards matter (cleaning, lines marks, organization).

    Daniel developed new operators (participating in new operators recruitment - from PECEF people, and growing and developing new employees, developing a strong team spirit, energy and excitement in his team in order to hit the targets.

    Daniel is recognized as being a model for others, for his attitude, collaboration, relationships, and team working. His name is often associated with words "leading by example" and "leadership". He had a big contribution for relationship development through his team, energizing and motivation of people in the team that leads.

    De ce crezi ca salariatul merita premiat?

    Daniel proved at work a very good ATTITUDE, engaging and inspiring others - being recognized as a model for others. Every time when he was asked for support, he proved a can-do attitude, found the time and the way to maximize his support and transpose it in results.

    Daniel (together with the training team, during his technical training) had the initiative to solve the systematically problems from Box6 (stamping unit, pack reservoir jams, naked wrap cellophane group) leading the CHANGE and make things happen - after that B6 gained in productivity (reaching the highest productivity in the last 2 years).

    Due to his experience in BAT, Daniel is playing constantly an important role in developing TEAMS & TEAM SPIRIT - made recommendations for new operators recruitment, developed people from PECEF personnel and participated to new employees training.

    Also, from his position (Team Leader), Daniel energized his TEAM, building enthusiasm and driving momentum for change with passion and belief. His name is often associated with words "leading by example" and "leadership".

    Te rog sugereaza un cadou/premiu pe care consideri ca realizarile de mai sus le merita?

    Emplyee of the Month Title + 1 week holiday together with his family (or its equivalent - 500-10000 Euro)

    Va rugam returnati formularul oricarui membru din comitetul de evaluare al angajatului lunii

    Premiile sunt validate lunar de catre comitetul mai sus amintit!

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