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The USA- Over the map


The USA- Over the map

The Usa is quite large country . It has an area of about 9 million square km. Over 270 millions of inhabitans live there , and this number increases every day because of immigration of people from all over the world.Especially from Mexico , Latin America, Asia , Africa or poor parts of Europe.

the USA takes essential part of the North America. The Union is made up of 50 states and 49 of them lie in the North America. Only Hawaii Islands arenīt close to the continent. They are thousands and thousands miles distatnt from coast of America , in waters of the Pacific Ocean.

Iīd divide the USA into two main parts. The East and the West. Both these areas are quite different.They have different history , landscape, culture.

These are several important regions in the East.On the north we can find the Great Lakes. This is system of f 15215p1520p ive vast lakes. The largest one is called Lake Superior , names of the remaining are Lake Michigan , Lake Huron , Lake Erie, and Lake Ontario. Lake Michigan is the only one , which all lie only in one country - in the USA. Between Lake Ontario and Lake Erie goes The Niagara River. On it we can find Niagara Falls . A lot of people think , they are the highest waterfalls in the world, but it isnīt true. American and Canadian businessmen have made from them an attraction. Tourists from all over the world travel to see the waterfalls , and businessmen earn a lot of money thanks of this.A part of the waterfalls is Canadian , second part belongs to the USA. Its shape is like horseshue, and the falling water makes a beautiful scenery.

Great Lakes are very important for industry. The St. Lawrence Seaway links them with the Atlantic Ocean and there is also a canal , which links them with the Mississippi River and Hudson river. So Lakes are used for shipment , goods from local industrial centres can be transported to Europe or Africa , as well as to the South America. To importatnt cities in this region belong Chicago, Detroit , Duluth or Milwaukee.

Another region in the East is along the Mississippi river and the Coastal Plain. This region is consequential mainly for agriculture.Cotton , wine or fruit(in Florida) is planted here. This is the South of planters from the Civil War . A lot of afro-americans live here, for example in Tampa or in N.Orleans. The Mississippi river is the longest river in the USA. With its main tribulary - itīs the Missouri River - it makes fourth longest river system in the world. On the confluence of M. and M. lies St. Louis an ( important) industrial and agricultural centre of this area. In past the river was havily used for transport. For example M.Twain wrote about brave men , who sailed on the river with their steamboats , also many movies and series were shot about this. Nowadays train becomes more and more important and transporting by the river isnīt so needed. But " the father of waters" how is sometimes Mississippi called is still very strong and dangerous. Its water cause destructive floods almost every year.Power streay of the water is used for making of energy in hydro - power plant. The river ends its voyage in N.Orleans, where it goes to the Gulf of Mexico.

An interesting region are Appalachian Mountains. The highest point of eastern part of the USA lies here. Itīs Mt. Mitchell, its top is "only" 2000m above sea- level.Appalachians are old mountains , its nature was damaged by coal mines , but these mines arenīt used in present.

A special region is the North- eastern coast of the country. There we can find most of U.S. big cities , including N.Y. , Washington, Philadelphia and many others. Here were founded first colonies , here is most of american industry, most of inhabitans live here, itīs centre of culture , art or law , you can study here at many universities.

The West is much more colourful then the East , I think. Deserts , forests , mountains or valleys are quite common here.

The Rocky Mountains are the dominant part of the West.They are so - called " the backbone of the continent" , they are the same age as Alps in Europe, theyīre quite high and long. Its peak is mt. Mac Kinley in Alaska ( over 6100m high) , the mountains continue through Canada and the USA even to Mexico. We could divide them into several parts - for example Sierra Madre in Mexico or Guadelupe Mts in the USA.

On the west coast ,we can find some interesting places , such as Californian Penninsula or the Californian Valley. The penninsula , as well as the state California , is victim of frequental earthquakes ( I havenīt mentioned , that this penninsula belongs to Mexico). The Californian Valley is socalled the Garden of the USA. It has very pleasant climate, we can find there many farms , fruit and vegetable is planted here.. The Great Salt Lake is also an interesting place. On its shore lies Salt Lake City. Next Olympic Games will probably take place there.

I must mention the Rio Grande River. It makes border between the USA and Mexico , emigrants from Mexico often try to come over the river to the USA. Because of this , the U.S. goverment has established special guards. Emigrants cought by these guards are generally sent back to Mexico.

Between the West and the East range are the Great Plains. These vast areas are mainly used by cattle farms and for growing of grain ( States in this area have less inhabitants than the others) . This is teritory of cowboys, cows and farmers.

I havenīt said a lot about American oceans and gulfs. Shores of the USA are shaved by waters of the Atl. oc. in the east , and by Pac. oc. in the West . Among important gulfs belongs the Gulf of Mexico in the South ( this gulf provides connection to the Caribbean Sea) or the Hudson Bay in the North( belongs to Canada).

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