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Echinacea purpurea

MEDICINAL: Echinacea, also known as Purple Coneflower, is a natural antibiotic and immune system

stimulator, helping to build resistance to colds, flus, and infections. It increases the production of white

blood cells, and improves the lymph glands. The tea from this herb should be used in all infections, and

has been used in treating skin cancers and other cancers. Please note that if you suffer from any

auto-immune disorder, you should use Echinacea, or any other immune stimulant herb, only under the

guidance of a professional, such as a naturopathic doctor, TCM practitioner, etc.

RELIGIOUS: Echinacea is used as an offering to the spirits or gods and goddesses to strengthen a

spell or ritual.

GROWING: Echinacea likes the prairies and other open, dry places. It adapts to most soils, in full sun,

except wet ones. It grows over most of North America. It is a perennial, and reaches to about 2 feet tall.

The root is used ground, and the leaves are used for teas.

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