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Teas Herbs


Teas Herbs

The herbs that will be used for herbal teas are generally the cut and sifted form, or the crumbled dried leaves and/or flowers.

Herbs should always be prepared 20220s1816u in nonmetallic containers. Steep the herbs in a nonmetallic container with water that has just

been brought to a boil. This is an infusion, and is used for the more delicate herbs to prevent destroying their healing agents.

A decoction is used to extract the healing agents from herbs that are roots and barks. The herbs are simmered in a nonmetallic

cooking container for about one hour. Simmer uncovered until the amount of water is reduced by one half. Those herbs that

contain important volatile oils should be simmered in a tightly covered pot.

Don't add table sugar to herbal teas. If a sweetener is needed, use pure, unmolested honey for its nutritional benefits, or use


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