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Vitex agnus-castus

MEDICINAL: Vitex is a normalizing herb for the reproductive system. It is most commonly used in

treating infertility, PMS, menopausal problems, and hormonal imbalances. It is most effective when taken

over a period of time, and in conjunction with other herbs used for the same purposes. It is also known

as chaste tree fruit, or chaste berry.

RELIGIOUS: Vitex blossoms and branches were strewn in temples during festivals to honor Demeter.

Hera is said to have been born under a Vitex tree. Vesta carried twigs of Vitex as symbols of purity.

GROWING: Vitex is a small shrub or tree native to Asia and Europe. It has been introduced in the

United States, and has naturalized throughout the southeast, as far north as Maryland. It typically grows

9 to 16 feet tall, but may grow larger in the warm areas of the deep south.

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