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An Autumn Curiosity.


An Autumn Curiosity.

Autumn is the time of year when everything dies.and I revive. I come back to life. One second I stood and reflected upon an area of such unique morbidity that even I trembled. During the day it's nothing but a zone of trees, people and sunshine, but during the night it looks like it's coming to life, wanting to devour every traveling soul, including mine. Such a beautiful morbid place, where thoughts go away, happy things seem just a memory.and friends.we 838m1223i ll.just finger puppets. Why have I felt this? Was it because I too am a puppet on a thin string? Or is it that my mind is completely capable of many things but lack of one, self control. These questions remain unanswered until I can reflect and meditate upon them.

Still.what drew me to that place? Why did I pay attention to that single, forgotten place? Maybe it was because it was calling me, with a mourn of the wind, longing for attention.but why me? I am just a pile of dust waiting to be returned from where he came. The garden stole my mind, my thoughts, and the only thing I could think at that moment was "How can I get in?".how can I explore this mystery that has been thrown in front of my eyes? Curiosity is a curse to mankind.whatever seems interesting we explore, not thinking about the consequences. Well must I say that I had been drawn by that place, but still.curiosity was not that powerful for me to explore. Yet, it puzzles me so.I must find out.I must search the garden and find its mystery, its forgotten lore, what are you hiding behind? Why have you called me I shall find out.

I have searched it.and what a beauty it was.alas my heart is beating at an unspeakable rate, my face is astounded by what I witnessed.I entered, and discovered all that man has left behind.forgotten lore. As I jumped the fence I stood for 20 seconds without taking a breath.its beauty astounded me. As I ventured deeper into the garden a mourn of a strange bird made my heart beat faster and faster like never before. It was not a normal cry, I felt it coming straight from Hell. As it warned me with every step I took I did not listen but yet, it made me scared.with every step I took. My attention was drawn for a second to it's mourn.not earthly, yet not a safe mourn. "Bird! What say you?!" I didn't even bother to answer.I searched and searched the trees until I found it. Its red eyes made him visible.burning they were, fearless they stood upon the eyes of the hunter, on the hunted. Yes, I was his pray.he mourned and mourned until fear overtook me and made me paranoid. Weak was I, without power to fight, at the mercy of a bird! A hellish bird! Why have you come to me? What is it that you want? My soul I cannot life is what I treasure most! After that, whispers overtook my hearing, like nails on a blackboard. I tried to tell myself this is not are imagining things.but I was lying to was real as you and has shown me fear to remind me that I am human. All these years I ran away from fear, and now, it had me right in the palm of his hands, or in his claws. How can such a bird, so small, take control of me?

"What do thou want from me?" I asked him! And he gave me nothing than a mourn, a hellish mourn! Curiosity drew me to you, and fear made you visible! The wind was unmercifully blowing in my face, and my sight was reduced to nothing.the hellish creature disappeared.for now. After a few seconds I spotted a small had its purpose.and that purpose I do not know, for thus you see.I still was aware of the bird's hellish mourn.still it was echoing in my mind. The nature inside the garden was good as dead.or it seemed dead.just for my insanity, to drive me more insane, much more! My stay in the garden was no less than 5 minutes.yet it seemed like an eternity. A little part of hell right next to me.during the day, camouflaged in heaven, and in the comes Hell.

When I thought all was over, strangely the moonlight appeared slightly dim inside the garden. It was the only source of light it had, and maybe the only thing that made it look so morbid. After a moment of complete silence, there was the bird.right in front of my scared eyes. Same burning hellish eyes same dark hellish form. I shed a tear. Why? Because I thought that curiosity was the death of Curiosity just made me realize I am human, by showing me unknown fear, never felt before. He flew, but not without leaving a token.a feather. A black feather with red made me tremble and yet made me smile.

After the incident I wanted to return home. I jumped the fence to get out of the garden and there it stood.again. Watching me and watching me, mourning again. Only this time his mourn filled me with pleasure, made me smile. So long friend, I shall miss thee.

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