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The Power of Questions


The Power of Questions

The most powerful way to direct your focus is through the questions you ask. Remember, the process of thinking or evaluating, is nothing more than the process of asking and answering questions. The challenge most people face is that they are 17317n1321r not conscious about the questions they ask themselves.

Questions are the laser of human consciousness.

They concentrate our focus and determine what we feel and do.

Think of questions this way: Imagine that your brain is the ultimate computer, and in that computer is the answer to any question you could possibly have.

Suppose you consistently ask yourself, "Why do these things always happen to me?" Your brain will search its database and take every possible form of input it's ever received - what people have ever said to you; what you've ever said to yourself; and what you've ever read, heard, or seen. Then, it will create an answer for you: "They always happens to you because you are a turkey!" Right?

Whatever you ask yourself consistently, you will get an answer to. If you ask, "How come I'm so lucky?" your brain will search until it finds references to support the fact that you are lucky.

If you ask a better question, you will come up with a better answer and therefore, a better result.

As we've already discussed, traditional time planning is based upon the question, "What do I need to do today?" If you keep asking yourself this question, you are undoubtedly going to feel stressed because most of us can't possibly achieve everything on our to-do list!

By changing the questions you ask when managing your life, you will immediately change your focus, gain access to new resources within yourself, and produce a better quality result.

All human progress is preceded by new questions.

It is by questioning our limitations that our greatest strengths are unveiled.

It is by questioning conventional wisdom that new truths are unearthed.

It is by questioning our capacity as human beings that this capacity expands.

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