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Marketing&Sales Plan


Marketing&Sales Plan


Product description

Books & Media

Kids & Comics






( economy, law, medicine, engineer ing, etc...)

& Arabic books to be added to the activity according to our client request


We have many competitor's but we are a market leader with strong P.O.S

Our competitors selling mainly Romanian translated/English classics with high prices, we'll offer English educational/Comics & entertainment books with high quality & acceptable prices


We'll be specialized in importing, distributing & selling English classics (ex. disney) & comics(ex. Mads) with competitive prices

English classics

Attractive for the kids, educational

help in educating the kids English language in a nice way back to the also the parents to practice their lan guage with the kids

Easy to find

Complete sets with special prices

Availability of buying on line or delivery to the nearest Rodipet P.O.S

High quality products, good service & Competitor prices

Communication Strategy

How can the product or the service reach the consumer?

Rodipet Kiosks

Book fair & Exhibitions


Book shops & libraries

Which consumer groups should be targeted?

Parents with kids of age from 1-6 years, teens,



Corporations & organizations (private & public)

Arab community for Arabic books with special requests and to be the unique supplier in the whole country


Describe the product packaging in relation to form, design, price and strategy

What benefits does the product get from its packaging?

- Protection

- Sets for special prices

- also we can attach simple nice durable toys( like Kender toys)

How can the packaging and other visual elements be combined?

Which costs will be incurred?

- Plastic covers( rodipet) simple toys like (kinder)

Product Introduction

Describe the time schedule for the product introduction

- 6 to 8 weeks

What steps need to be fulfilled and when?


Books introducing to the System

Responsible person for data entry & Coordinating with other Departments



Which strategy should be used for advertising?

- Part of the sales to be directed for kids benefits9 hospitals orphanages,...etc)

-posters on the kiosks

- news paper insertions

- Our web site

- mouse to mouse marketing

Overview of the Strategies

Overview of the Schedule

- weekly insertion for a new book & book sets

Costs for advertising


Pricing Strategy

Summarize the pricing strategy

- To be cheaper than the competitors with 30-50%

- Stocks to be imported with the most cheapest prices

Compare this with similar products

What cost requirements need to be fulfilled?



Describe the international distribution strategies

Which partners do you want to cooperate with?

Describe the international pricing strategy

How is the product to be localized?

Performance Test

Describe the goals set for the introductory period and the year after that

- to be the leader in the market for English kids books

- Arabic books for education, or upon request

How should the success be measured?

- Sales & Payments

How can success be achieved?

-Team work

- Communication & Co-Ordinating

Summary and Conclusion

Summarize the most important points

How does the schedule look?

What are the long-term goals?

Marketing Plan

Product description



Communication Strategy


Product Introduction


Pricing Strategy



Performance Test

Summary and Conclusion

Document Info

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