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Digitalis Purpurea - Purple Foxglove


Digitalis Purpurea - Purple Foxglove.

Indicated in affections of the heart, with weak, irregular contractions, causing a fluttering sensation. Sense of faintness and fear of death from dread tha 313y242d t the heart's action will suddenly cease. Of great value in organic heart disease, with scantiness of urine and dropsical effusion. Also in hepatic disease with jaundice, ascites, nephritis with cardiac symptoms, percarditis with effusion; pneumonia, especially of the aged, with weakness of the heart's action. Less often in urethritis, specific and non-specific, and in prostatitis.

Mind sad, fearful, apprehensive.

Great dyspnoea, praecordial anguish, faintness; feels as though dying.

Difficult, irregular, sighing respiration.

Cardiac affections with great dyspnoea and faintness, with pulse irregular and intermittent, small and intermittent, slow and intermittent, small and slow.

Heart feels as though it would stop at any time, causing great distress and anxiety.

Stitches in the heart.

Weak, irregular pulse when lying down; worse from assuming erect position.

Coldness and oedema of feet; coldness of hands.


Great thirst for sour drinks.

Eructations of watery fluid, so sour it sets his teeth on edge.

Faintness and weakness at the stomach; excessive nausea, not relieved by vomiting.

Soft, white stools, like chalk.

Dark, turbid urine, with much burning and pain while passing; ammoniacal.

Worse when sitting erect; after meals; after excitement.

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