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Pulsatilla Indicated in many affections of women and children or in persons of mild disposition; in women of light complexion, inclined to plumpness, with scanty, delayed menstrual flow; derangements of puberty; delay of the first menstruation; th



Indicated in many affections of women and children or in persons of mild disposition in women of light complexion, inclined to plumpness, with scanty, delayed menstrual flow; derangements of puberty; delay of the first menstruation; threatened abortion. Frequently used in treatment of indigestion, diarrhoea, functional nervous affections, catarrh of different parts (eyes, ears, nose, respiratory tract, vagina); measles; rheumatic pains etc.

Mild, gentle, changing disposition; easily moved to laughter or to tears.

Intolerance of pain.


Chilliness in warm room, without thirst.

Face pale, with sensation of internal heat (head).

Pains drawing, tearing; as from an internal ulcer; worse from touch.

Pains gradually increases until very acute, then lets up with a snap (toothache).

Pains worse in the evening, up to 11 o'clock or midnight; with chilliness, without thirst; better form motion and cool air.

Pains shift from place to place; with chilliness (rheumatism).

All the discharges are bland, thick, yellowish-green (eyes, nose, expectoration, leucorrhoea).

Perceptible pulsations in the pit of the stomach.

Menses retarded, scanty; amenorrhoea.

Tongue coated white; taste bitter, sour, foul; taste of food remains in the mouth for a long time after eating.

Aversion to fat and to warm food.

Coryza with loss of smell and taste; yellowish-green discharge; cannot breathe in a warm room.

Hoarseness coming and going without cause.

Cough: dry in the evening and night, loose in the morning; expectoration bland, thick.

Pain in the middle of the thorax as from an internal ulcer (cough).

Diarrhoea: no two stools alike.

Leucorrhoea thick, like cream or milk.

Worse in warm, close room; at twilight; in the evening up to midnight; from eating rich food or pastry.

Better in the open air; in a cool room; from eating cold food or drink.

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