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An Albert Einstein Poem


An Albert Einstein Poem


This poem was written by a fifth grader and e-mailed to me. This just goes to show that Einstein is still inspiring people today.

Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein works diligently in his basement

his piece of chalk moves swiftly across the chalkboard

jotting down equations and formulas and the question remains

what secrets of the universe will be unlocked tonight?

but we'll have to wait for the Master to give us the key

we'll have to wait for him to go on an infinite search

through his mind to find the key to find the answer

the Master looks everywhere and finally finds the key

the Master inserts the key and in an instant there are endless

possibilities - fantasy becomes reality and dreams are

no longer just images and the way we think of light, sound and

space is changed forever!

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Apreciat: hand-up

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