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Asteroizi dangerous


Asteroizi dangerous
Bombs from the sky!
Asteroizii are pietroase small objects with sizes ranging from a few meters and a few hundred kilometers. Most of them are between orbitele of Mars and Jupiter, forming a 22222w226w belt well defined. Inventariat were over 10,000 asteroids, of which 3,000 have orbitele known with precision. The importance of their study is due to the fact that these objects have not undergone morphological changes from the time of their formation nebuloasa circumsolara primordiala. As a result, asteroids can give us information about the beginnings of our solar system.

A special category asteroids that formed a closer orbit than land, so-called NEO (Near Earth to the acronym Objects - near-Earth objects). These asteroids have orbite what intersecteaza with the Earth, there is a theoretical possibility ciocnirii them with our planet. NEO objects from the belt of asteroids, following perturbation caused by the planets Jupiter and Mars. The phenomenon of resonance change the orbit of asteroids from the belt. Alungindu is increasingly more, traiectoriile these objects meet at a time orbit land. Modern techniques allowed the observation, lately, has identified dozens of objects small NEO, which has a real psihoza related event of a collision with catastrophic effects.

It is true that the moon and planets telurice have suffered in the past, such collisions, martore being craterele impact, which can be found on the surface of these bodies ceresti. On Earth have been identified 15 craters with diameters larger than 50 km. The largest crater (Chicxulub, discovered in 1990) is located in Yucatan peninsula and has a diameter of 200 km, the impact of an asteroid survenind end cretacicului. The energy released was 105 megatone of TNT!

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