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Oil to sauté
2½ pounds of ground beef
1 onion, diced
3 jalapeno peppers, seeded and diced
6 cloves of garlic, chopped
2 tablespoons thyme, dried (30ml)
1 tablespoon oregano, dried (15ml)
1 egg
1 bottle of stout beer
¼ cup parsley, chopped (60ml)
1 teaspoon of salt (5ml)
1 teaspoon of black pepper (5ml)

In a small saucepan over medium heat, sauté onion, jalapeno peppers, garlic, thyme and oregano until onions are translucent (about 3 minutes).

In a large bowl, stir together ground beef, onion mixture and egg, blend thoroughly. Slowly stir in stout beer. Add parsley, celery salt and black pepper and mix well.

Preheat grill to 375ºF.

Form meat into 6 patties. Place on grill and cook, turning until well-done throughout (about 8-10 minutes per side).

Yield: 6 servings

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Apreciat: hand-up

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