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Sirloin Tip Steak with Plum Chutney


Sirloin Tip Steak with Plum Chutney

2 lb sirloin tip beef steak approx 1 ¾ inches thick (1kg) 3.5cm thick

1 tablespoon Olive oil (15ml)
Course salt and cracked 10310k1017k pepper to taste
2 tablespoons chopped fresh rosemary (30ml)

To make the rub: In a small bowl thoroughly mix together the rub ingredients. Press the rub into the beef. Allow to stand at room temperature for 20 to 30 minutes before grilling.

Prepare barbecue for indirect grilling. Preheat grill to medium high heat. Oil grill and place beef on the hot of the BBQ to sear and get grill marks - 5 minutes per side. Move the beef over to the off side and close the lid to cook for another 30 minutes or until the internal temperature reaches 125F for medium rare. Remove from the grill and allow to rest for about 5 minutes.

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