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Garlic Pork Roast


Garlic Pork Roast


* 1 (5 pound) pork loin roast, backbone loosened

* 1/2 green bell pepper, finely chopped

* 1/2 cup thinly sliced green onions

* 1/2 cup chopped celery

* 8 cloves garlic, minced

* 1 teaspoon salt

* 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper


1. With a sharp knife, cut a deep pocket between each rib on meaty side of roast. Combine green pepper, green onions, celery and garlic; stuff deeply into pockets. Season roast with salt and cayenne pepper. Insert meat thermometer. Place roast, rib side down, in a shallow roasting pan. Bake, uncovered, at 325 degrees F for 2-3 hours or until thermometer reads 170 degrees F. Let stand for 15 minutes before carving.


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