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Grilled Potatoes with Herbs


Grilled Potatoes with Herbs

Grilled Potatoes with Herbs
3 Yukon Gold potatoes
3 tablespoons olive oil (4 11311l115l 5ml)
1 teaspoon dried thyme (5ml)
2 teaspoons oregano (10ml)
salt and pepper to taste

Slice potatoes ½" thick and place into a sealable plastic bag. Add oil, dried thyme, oregano, salt and pepper. Seal the bag and toss the potatoes to ensure they are well coated. Set aside.

Preheat barbecue to medium low heat.

Oil the grill liberally. Remove the potatoes from the bag and place them directly over the heat. Cook for approximately 8 minutes per side or until golden brown, crispy & cooked through.

Yield: 4 servings

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Accesari: 851
Apreciat: hand-up

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