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One pig leg 2 languages of pig 1 carrot, It knows them and three witness d `garlic, Sweet pepper and paprika


In a pot we have put to bubble all the meat. We have put a po `of know 12512q163m s them and also the carrot. When the meat and `detached dall `bone and l `collosa water we have put l `tritato garlic, we have removed the two languages in order to remove the skin while that they are warm. We have messso the pot outside from the balcony to the cold for two days. The reasons are two: the fat person deposits itself over to this compound and we remove it all, and at the same time we make the test of the coagulation. According to day it is removed of new the fat person and the pot is put on the furnace. We remove the meat. We have porzionato the meat and putting in one ciotola. We have drained and put l `water in a container. Then we have put l `water before drained on the meat. We have carried the ciotole outside, on the balcony. Attention pear tree `: if the temperatures are too much high not and `recommendable: And also `an other thing in the event in which after the test of the coagulation it does not seem to have good intentions to coagulate itself you put a bustina of gelatin in cold water and stirs it to you with l `warm water of the meat. After that and `coagulated we have put the pepper and the paprika sweet.


Not specified



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