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1 Large garlic bulb, skin in tact
1 tablespoon of olive oil (15ml)
Fresh cracked pepper
½ teaspoon of fresh baby thyme (2.5ml)
tin foil

3 large egg yolks, at room temperature
2 tablespoons of boiling water (30ml)
Freshly ground pepper
2 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice (30ml)
1 ½ cups of olive oil (375ml)

Preheat the grill to medium high heat

Cut the top off of the garlic. Poke the exposed garlic with a fork. Rub the garlic bulb liberally with olive oil and season with cracked black pepper. Add a few sprigs of fresh thyme. Wrap in the tin foil and place the package on the grill. Close the lid and cook for approximately ½ hour.

Remove garlic from foil and let it cool until easily handled. Squeeze out the roasted garlic from the skin into a blender. Add the egg yolks and blend in short bursts until smooth. Continue to blend and add the oil gradually in a very thin stream to begin with and in a thicker stream as the sauce begins to thicken. Blend until the sauce becomes thick and creamy like mayonnaise.

Place the sauce in the fridge for one hour to let the flavours deepen and serve at room temperature.

Yield: 2 cups

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Apreciat: hand-up

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