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1 ½ cups of apple or cherry wood chips (325ml)
18 Jumbo scallops
¼ cup of lemon juice, freshly squeezed (60ml) (optional)
¼ cup of unsalted butter, melted (60ml) (optional)
3 cups of fresh Arugula
Juice of 2 limes
Juice of 2 lemons
Juice of 1 orange
Juice of 2 pink grapefruits
1 tablespoon of pink peppercorns (15ml)
Pinch of salt
2 tablespoons of olive oil (30ml)
1 teaspoon fresh thyme, coarsely chopped
2 tablespoons of maple syrup (30ml)

Place ½ cup of the wood chips in water to soak for 30 minutes.

Prepare and indirect fire by place on burner on high heat and leaving the others off.

Squeeze the excess water from the soaked wood chips and place them in the center of a large piece of foil. Add the dry wood chips. Fold the foil up to create a sealed package. Using a fork, poke holes in both sides of the smoke package. Place the package directly on top of the heat source and slide the grill grate over top. Close the lid wait for smoke. When the cavity of the grill is full of smoke, lower the heat and bring the grill to 220 ºF (110ºC).

Place the scallops on a perforated tray or a disposable aluminum pan. Drizzle them with lemon juice and melted unsalted butter. Place them on the cool side of the grill and close the lid. Smoke until opaque and firm to the touch - from 30-45 minutes.

Meanwhile prepare the dressing. Place all of the juice from the various fruit into a bowl. Add the remaining ingredients and whisk together. Place in the fridge to set up for 30 minutes. Drizzle over a bed of fresh Arugula and smoked scallops.

Yield: 6 appetizers

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Accesari: 743
Apreciat: hand-up

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