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4 unpeeled apples
Walnut oil
3 chopped celery ribs
1 cup of raisins - (250ml)
1 cup of chopped walnuts - (250ml)
½ cup of mayonnaise - (125ml)
1 cup of plain y 444q168e ogurt - (250ml)
Juices from 3 limes
1 tablespoon of sugar - (15ml)

Apple wood chips soaked in cold water for 30 minutes

Preheat barbecue to the temperature of 220ºF (110ºC). Drain apple wood chips and place them on the grill.

Coat the apples with liberally with the Walnut oil and place them on preheated grill. Cook for about a 1 hour or until apples are deeply browned and soften.

Remove from grill and set aside until cool enough to handle. Peel apples and cut into bit size chunks.

Combine apples, celery, raisins and walnuts in a bowl.  In a small bowl combine mayo, yogurt, lime juice and sugar.  Our over apple mixture, mix well and refrigerate for 30 minutes before serving.

Yields: 4 servings

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Apreciat: hand-up

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