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Cold Sauces

Vinegar Sauce

First we have to mix the vinegar with mineral water. Than we add the salt, the oil, pepper and chopped green parsley. We mix all these ingredients.

Lemon Sauce

Oil 50g

Lemon juice 75g

Mineral water

Salt and pepper

Green dill and green parsley

We mix the oil with lemon juice, mineral water, salt and pepper. In the end we add  drill and parsley cut in small pieces.

Yogurt Sauce

1 Yogurt

Smashed garlic


Pounded garlic is mixed with yogurt and salt.

Good for fry-eggs and hamburgers.

Yogurt sauce with mustard

1 yogurt

1 spoon mustard

1 spoon horseradish (scraped)

Salt and pepper

We mix the yogurt with salt and pepper. In the end we add the mustard and horseradish and mix well.

Garlic Sauce

I peel the garlic and I pound it with salt, we mix well and add the oil and the vinegar. We mix well.

Mayonnaise Sauce

100g Oil

2 eggs

1 teaspoon lemon juice


In a bowl we put the egg-yolk with a little salt and we mix. Gradually we add the oil and in the end we add the lemon juice.

Remulat Sauce

For this sauce we need : mayonnaise sauce, pickled cucumbers cut in cubes, small cut green parsley, small cut tarragon, hard-boiled eggs cut in cubes, mustard, vinegar and pepper. We mix all these ingredients.

Tartar Sauce


Small cut green parsley


Salt and pepper

Small cut onion

We mix all these ingredients.

Maitre d`Hotel Sauce

Butter 200g

Lemon juice 100g

Small cut green parsley 1 wisp

Salt and pepper

We mix the butter in a bowl with parsley, pepper, salt, lemon juice until we get a homogenous composition. This sauce must stay in the refrigerator until it needs to be served. Good to decorate grilled meet and fish.

Hot Sauces

Brun sauce

Time : 3h, 10 min

Ingredients : 75g butter or oil, 75g flour, 1 carrot, 1 parsley(root), half piece of celery

1 onion, 2 cloves garlic, laurel leaf, thyme, 50g tomato sauce, pepper,

salt, 500g beef bones.

How we do it : We clean the potherbs, we cut the onion and potherbs slices. In a

saucepan we put the butter and when is hot we add the flour, we

add the potherbs, onion and condiments , we boil at small fire , after

this we add 2 cups of hot water. The bones are cracked and roasted on

roaster, we put the bones and the tomato sauce in the saucepan.

We boil this sauce 3 h mixing . When is done we sift the sauce.

This sauce is very important for others sauces.

Madera Sauce : For the Madera Sauce we need Brown Sauce (Spanish Sauce)

bones essence, butter, cognac, and Madera Red Wine. We mix this ingredients until we get a homogeneous composition and boil 5-10 min. We keep this sauce warm. Good for meet and fish.

Mushrooms Sauce : We put small cut mushrooms in melted butter, after a few

minutes we add the Brown Sauce, salt, pepper and we boil

again 5-10 minutes.  Good for eggs and meet  recipes.

Wine Sauce : We boil the Brown Sauce , than we add the wine, juice from roasted

meet. We keep the sauce warm. In the end we add small cubes of

butter . Good for beef, pork and fish recipe.

Tomatoes Sauce : First we put 1 kg of bones without marrow (morrow less bones) in a pot wit cold salty water. We boil them for 3-4 hours. In  another pot we put oil and water in equal parts. When is hot we add the vegetables: carrots, parsley-root, celery-root, parsnip and onions cut in small cubes. When they turn to be soft we add flour dipped with water, tomatoes, the soup from the bones, laurel, savory, salt pepper and sugar. After 30 min. of boiling, we strain the sauce, pound the vegetables and mix it again. The sauce needs to be kept worm until we serve it.

Its goes better with spaghetti, hash meat balls, beef, fish and pork dishes.

Chaud Froid Sauce

In a part of molten butter we add 2 parts of flour, mixing continual. Then we add meet soup, cream and salt. We boil the composition in a pot with moderate fire

We deep the gelatin with cold water, than we melt it on a small fire and then we add it to the sauce and mix it. After a few minutes we strain the composition. This sauce is used to decorate cold dishes as fish or fowl.

Mornay Sauce

In a pot I put the egg-yolk, cream and béchamel sauce. We put the pot on a moderate fire for 5 minutes, mixed continuously. I take the pot put it on the table and add scraped pressed cheese. At the end we add cubes of butter. The sauce is used to decorate cold dishes like fish or fowl or to prepare some vegetables dishes.

Suprème Sauce

In the melted butter we add the flour mixing continual. We also add fowl soup and essence of mushrooms or small cut mushrooms. We boil this composition 10 min. than we add salt, egg-yolk mixed with cream and boil it more 15 min. We strain it and add the lemon juice than we put small cubes of butter. This sauce is used for the worm fish and fowl dishes.

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