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+rules  -- Displays a listing of the hub rules.

+faq -- Displays a list of helpful links if you are having trouble.

+motd  -- Displays the Message of the Day.

+help  -- Displays a list of all commands available to you.

+regme  -- Send a message to all OPs, asking them to register your nick.

+myip  -- Shows you your IP address.

+myinfo  -- Shows you information about yourself.

+me -- Replaces +me with your nick, and then sends a message to main chat.

+report <user> <reason> -- Report a user to opchat for breaking the rules.

[18:51:24] <HELP>

As an OP(level 3), you have the following commands available to you:

!kick <nick> <reason> Kick the user from command line and give a ban equal to the hub's specified tempban time. If you right-click in your client and kick, it does the same thing. If you include _ban_time in the reason, then the ban is extended to the time you specify. Valid entries for time are Ns, Nm, Nh, Nd, NM, Nw, Ny. The IP and the nick are both banned. This is the most reliable and easiest way to ban.

!banip_time <ip> <reason> Bans an IP address _only_ from the hub. Valid entries for time are Ns, Nm, Nh, Nd, NM, Nw, Ny. If you do not include a time, then the ban is permanent. So, '!banip_1M <ip> <reason>' would ban an IP for one month with the reason, and '!banip <ip> <reason>' would perm-ban the IP with the reason. The best use for !banip is if you want to preven 16416w2220q t a certain IP (no matter the nick) from entering the hub. If you wish to ban a user who is connected to the hub you should use !kick instead.

!bannick_time <ip> <reason> Bans a nick _only_ from the hub. Valid entries for time are Ns, Nm, Nh, Nd, NM, Nw, Ny. If you do not include a time, then the ban is permanent. So, '!bannick_1M <nick> <reason>' would ban a nick for one month with the reason, and '!bannick <nick> <reason>' would perm-ban the nick with the reason The best use for !bannick is if you want to preven 16416w2220q t a certain nick (no matter the IP) from entering the hub. If you wish to ban a user who is connected to the hub you should use !kick instead.

!ban_time  <ip> <reason> This bans the IP for the specified time. If a nick with the <ip> has been previously kicked, then that nick is banned too and any user with the <ip> is dropped. If no nick with the <ip> was previously kicked then no nick is banned and no user is dropped. If a nick with the <ip> is later kicked, then that nick is banned for the same time as the <ip>. If you do not include a time, then the ban is permanent. Valid entries for time are Ns, Nm, Nh, Nd, NM, Nw, Ny. So '!ban_1M <ip> <reason>' would ban an ip for one month with the reason. The !kick command is the best way to do the same thing.

!banhost1_time <host> <reason> This bans the top level domain of the host specified. If a time is not included, then this ban is permanent. Be aware that this will ban a great deal of the public from your hub. For example banhost1 would permban the entire .com domain.

!banhost2_time <host> <reason> This bans the second level domain of the host specified. If a time is not included, then this ban is permanent. Be aware that this might ban a large portion of the public from your hub. For example banhost2 would permban the entire domain.

!banhost3_time <host> <reason> This bans the subdomain of the host specified. Depending on the circumstances, this might be a single host or a large portion of the public. If a time is not included, then this ban is permanent. For example banhost3 would ban the single host "dynamichost", while !banhost3 would ban the entire domain.

!banhostr1_time <host> <reason> This bans the final subdomain of the host specified. This is almost always a single host. If a time is not included, then this ban is permanent. For example banhostr1 would permban the single host "dynamichost", as would !banhostr1

!banprefix_time <prefix> <reason> This bans any user with <prefix> at the beginning of their nick. If a time is not included, then this ban is permanent. So banprefix <OP> <reason> would ban users [OP]someguy and [op]someguy, but not someguy[OP] or someguy[op].

!banrange_time <range> <reason> Bans a range of IP addresses. This may either be specified as <start_ip-end_ip> or <CIDR_notation>. If you are not familiar with CIDR, do not use it, as it may have unpredictable results if you do. If a time is not included, then this ban is permanent. As an example of proper usage banrange <reason> and !banrange <reason> would both permban the same range of addresses.

!unban  <ip> or <nick> Unban IP and nick for the user. If a nick is associated with an ip or an ip is associated with a nick, then both are removed. This also removes bans that were issued with !kick.

!unbanhost1 <host> <reason> Unbans the top level domain of the host specified.

!unbanhost2 <host> <reason> Unbans the second level domain of the host specified.

!unbanhost3 <host> <reason> Unbans the subdomain of the host specified.

!unbanhostr1 <host> <reason> Unbans the final subdomain of the host specified.

!unbanprefix <prefix> <reason> Unbans the prefix specified.

!unbanrange <range> <reason> Unbans the IP address range. <range> may either be the range, or any IP within the range. For example unbanrange <reason> and !unbanrange <reason> will both do the the same thing.

!hidekick  <nick> <reason> Kicks a user and does not announce it to the hub.

!hideme  <class> Hides yourself from users below the specified class.

!infoban  <ip> or <nick> Shows ban information of the given nick or IP.

!infoban_ipban_ Shows all current IP bans. Not very useful if you have thousands of them.

!infoban_nickban_  Shows all current nickbans. Also not very helpful on a big hub.

!infoban_banrange_  Shows all current banned ranges. Very good for showing the ranges you might have forgotten you banned. While you are learning how to rangeban, it is recommended that you use this command after !banrange to see what you did.

!lsban 100  Shows the most recent 100 bans.

!getip  <nick> Prints user's IP address.

!gethost  <nick> Prints user's FQDN. This works only if dns_lookup = 1 in the hub config.

!getinfo  <nick> Prints user's IP and FQDN.

!reginfo  <nick> Prints a registered user's full information.

!whoip  <ip> Prints all users who have the specified IP.

!whorange  <range> Prints all users and their IPs who have an IP in <range>. As with the !banrange command, <range> may either be <from_ip-to_ip> or <CIDR notation>. This command is useful before you ban a range, to see how many users it will affect.

!regs <message> Sends the <message> to all registered users.

!ccbroadcast <:CC:> <msg> Sends a broadcast to users os the specified country code(s) only. For example ccbroadcastL:SE:US: <msg> would send the message to all users of Sweden, Poland, and the US.

!flood  <nick> Floods a user off of the hub.

!nosearch  <nick> <time> Prevents the user from using the search function until he restarts his session or until <time> has expired. If you leave the <time> blank, then the time is set for one week. Valid entries for <time> are Ns, Nm, Nh, Nd, NM, Nw, Ny. So '!nosearch <nick> 5m would stop the user from searching for 5 minutes or until he reconnected.

!unnosearch <nick> Allows a user to use the search function of the hub when he has been forbidden previously by !nosearch.

!noctm  <nick> Prevents the user from connecting to others until he restarts his session or until <time> has expired. If you leave the <time> blank, then the time is set for one week. Valid entries for <time> are Ns, Nm, Nh, Nd, NM, Nw, Ny. So '!gag <nick> 1h would stop the user from chatting for 1 hour or until he reconnected.

!unnoctm  <nick> Allows a user to connect to others when he has been forbidden previously by !noctm.

!gag <nick> <time> Prevents the user from using the chat function until he restarts his session or until <time> has expired. If yo

u leave the <time> blank, then the time is set for one week. Valid entries for <time> are Ns, Nm, Nh, Nd, NM, Nw, Ny. So '!gag <nick> 1h would stop the user from chatting for 1 hour or until he reconnected.

!ungag  <nick> Allows a user to use the chat function of the hub when he has been forbidden previously by !gag.

<-•†•--Reindeer--•†•-> [command] !help


These commands are available to you:

!help (h) - This help text

!topic [topic] - Sets a hubtopic (no topic deletes current topic)

!savesettings - Saves all YnHub settings to disk

!hubinfo (hi) - Hubinformation and statistics

!userinfo (ui) [search] [offset] - Information on one or more users

!ipinfo (ii) [search] [offset] - Information on one or more ips

!nickinfo (ni) [search] [offset] - Nick information from an IP/IP range

!trafficinfo (ti) <user> - Display users protocol message counts

!trafficstats (ts) [type] - Display traffic statistics (Types: Search, SR, Connect, NickList, MyINFO, MC, PM, Data, BW)

!coreinfo (ci) - Display more detailed information about the hub core

!showprofiles (sp) - Display all profiles available

!addreg (ar) <nick> <pass> <profile> [ippattern] - Add an account

!delreg (dr) <nick> - Delete an account (note: does not kick user if online)

!changereg (cr) <oldnick> <newnick> [newpass] - Change nick/pass of an account

!showreg (sr) <profile> <search> [offset] - Shows accounts, use "all" as profile to list regardless of profile

!setaccountip (sai) <nick> [ip] - Sets one or more IP/IP range(s) for the account, use ; as delimiter

!showaccountip (shai) <user> - Shows the required IP/IP range(s) for the account

!setexpiredate <nick> <expiredate> - Sets an expire date on an account (Ex. "2006-06-07", "0" for permanent)

!drop <user> - Drops a user

!kick <user> [reason] - Kicks a user and adds to tempban

!ban <user> [reason] - Bans a user by IP (User kicked)

!bannick <user> [reason] - Bans a nick or pattern (Ex. *demo*, may be left/right/both truncated)

!banip <ip> [reason] - Bans a IP or IP range (Ex. 127.0.*)

!bandns <dns> [reason] - Bans a DNS or DNS pattern (Ex. *, use ? as any char)

!tban <user> <time> [reason] - Bans a user by IP for <time> hours (User kicked)

!tbannick <user> <time> [reason] - Bans a nick or pattern for <time> hours

!tbanip <ip> <time> [reason] - Bans an IP or IP range for <time> hours

!tbandns <dns> <time> [reason] - Bans a DNS or DNS pattern for <time> hours

!unban <user/ip/dns> - Unbans a user banned by Nick/IP/DNS

!clearnickbans (cnb) - Clears all nick bans (all possible)

!clearipbans (cib) - Clears all IP bans (all possible)

!cleardnsbans (cdb) - Clears all DNS bans

!shownickbans (snb) <search> [offset] - Search among nick bans

!showipbans (sib) <search> [offset] - Search among IP bans

!showdnsbans (sdb) <search> [offset] - Search among DNS bans

!cleartemp (ct) [limit] - Clears <limit> temporary bans Ex. limit = 1: clears last tempban

!showtemp (st) [offset] - Show temporary bans

!mute <user> - Mutes user (Unable to post in mainchat, use * to mute all)

!unmute <user> - Unmutes user (able to post in mainchat again, use * to unmute all)

!kennylize <user> - Kennylizes user (Posts in mainchat will be affected, use * to kennylize all)

!unkennylize <user> - Unkennylizes user (use * to unkennylize all)

!lunarize <user> - Lunarizes user (makes user talk funny, use * to lunarize all)

!unlunarize <user> - Unlunarizes user (use * to unlunarize all)

!warn <user> [reason] - Sends a warning to <user>

!pmprofile <profile> <message> - Sends a PM from me (the hub bot) to everyone with profile <profile>

!opm <message> - Sends a PM from me (the hub bot) to all operators

<-•†•--Reindeer--•†•-> [command] !kick oO0SHX0Oo _ban_1w BAD CLIENT: --> [Bandwidth limited client]; <--

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