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On-line document for XyMTeX in English

Copyright (C) 1993, 1996, 1998 by Shinsak Fujita. All rights reserved.


renamed and revised: xymtex1.doc

Copyright (C) 1993, 1996 by Shinsak Fujita. All rights reserved.


`XyMTeX' is a macro package for drawing chemical structural formulas.

(1) Setting up

This package has been frozen with LHA. Let the frozen package

(xymtex2.lzh) be placed in the b: directory. To melt the frozen package

in the a:\tex directory, please input the following statement in the

command line of your display.

a:\tex>lha x b:\xymtex2

Thereby, the directory <\xymtex> is automatically created as the

subdirectory of the a:\tex directory; and the following hierarchy of

directories and files is generated.

a---\tex---\xymtex --- hetaromh.sty, hetarom.sty, ccycle.sty,

| | | chemstr.sty, carom.sty, lowcycl.sty, aliphat.sty,

| hcycle.sty, locant.sty, polymers.sty, chemist.sty

| methylen.sty, fusering.sty


| (dtx files)


|--\drvdvi---drv files, dvi files


|--\doc200--- xymtx200.tex, xymtx200.dvi,

| xymyl.tex, xymadd.tex

| (other files for the document preparation)


|---xymtex2.doc (this document)


|---xymtex2.jpn (on-line document in Japanes)


|---readme2.doc (notes in English)


|---readme2.jpn (notes in Japanese)

The package (sty) files in the \xymtex directory contains the macro

codes of XymTeX commands. The specification of XyMTeX commands and

examples of using these commands are included in the xymtex.dvi file of

the \doc directory.

The xymtx200.dvi file is a dvi file that is a manual for utilizing

XyMTeX (about 100 pages). The processed dvi file can be obtained in the same

directory of this distribution. It can be printed with an appropriate

printer driver (lips3dvi, dviprt, or others) and can be displayed with an

appropriate previewer (dviout, etc.).

The xymtx200.tex is the main file of the manuscript for creating the

xymtx200.dvi. The other tex files in the \doc200 directory are input files

which are read by the main file.

(2) Designating a serach path

In order to set a search path for using XyMTeX, please add the directory

name to the TEXINPUTS line in \texmf.cnf, which is stored in the

\tex\texmf\web2c directory (for a standard distribution of LaTeX2e).

For example, you add

platex2e_inputs = .;$TEXMF/tex/platex2e//;$TEXMF/tex/latex2e//;



~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <---- to be added

(3) Writing your manuscript

Each command of XyMTeX can be used if you add the name of the

corresponding style file to the option list at the top of your

manuscript file, e.g.




where the underlined names are XyMTeX package files containing your

requisite commands. If all of the XyMTeX commands are required,

the short-cut declaration



can be used for simplicity.

(4) Running LaTeX2e or pLaTeX2e

You should use XyMTeX commands within LaTeX.


Document Info

Accesari: 1388
Apreciat: hand-up

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