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Windsor Pilates Excersices


Windsor Pilates Exercises

1: Lay on back

leg up and rotate


2: Lay on side

leg up and rotate


3: Lay on side swing

leg back and forth

like a pendulum

4: Lay on side leg straight

down extending forward

bend at knee all the way through

to back then straighten down

5: curl up in a ball sitting

upright roll onto shoulders

and back to bum

6: Lay on back bring one knee

into your chest then switch

repeat with straight legs

7: sitting with legs up straight

stomach contracted flapping arms

hold 15 seconds

8:bring knee to cross over

to elbow

9: side crunches

standing bring elbow

to knee

10: laying on back

bring knee to opposite knee

11: Crunches

12: sit-ups

13: sitting up legs in a "v"

twisting toe touches

14: sit on hip arm over


hold 20 seconds

15: laying down slowly

roll body up to touch toes

16: laying down bring

knees to chest and arms to feet

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Accesari: 1277
Apreciat: hand-up

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