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High Impact Communication

Bert Decker

Side 1-The New Communicators

Winning through high impact communications. How to reach the First Brain. Charisma demystified. Communication is a contact sport. Some examples of the New Communicators. The problem with poor communicators. How to influence, persuade or motivate people.

Side 7-Overcoming First Brain Fear

How to disarm the fear of public speaking. The fight or flight response. Your First Brain at Work. Why you will succeed ninet 19419u204t y-five percent of the time. How to make pressure situations work for you. Four principles for using visualization effectively.

Side 2-Creating Emotional Impact

What are you selling? How people buy. Sending the correct silent messages. Why everyone is a public speaker. Strengthening your personal impact. The three secrets to attaining personal impact in all your communications.

Side8-Listening with the First Brain

Making the decision to connect. Are there different ways of listening? Fact listening. Feeling listening. How to really listen to people: Becoming a communicator. The importance of listening with your eyes. Five tips on becoming a whole-brain listener. How to be objective.

Side 3-Discovering First Brain Power

How to get beyond the gatekeeper. Unlocking the secrets of the First Brain. Demystifying charisma. Understanding how the brain functions. The reason the First Brain is so important to effective communication. The "brain within a brain."

Side 9-The Power of Video-Cybernetics

The truth about who you think you are. How to use vide technology to help you become an effective communicator. Changing you image with video-cybernetics. It only takes twenty-one days to change your life. The three forms of feedback: People feedback, audio feedback, and video feedback.

Side 4-Getting to Trust

How to become a believable communicator. Where does the knowledge in the First Brain come from? Are you a 'grokker'? Likeable people are successful people. Communication is behavior. IRIS: An audience interactive device.

Side 10-Gaining Freedom of Expression

You have the freedom to move. Making sure your feelings come across. How to help your audience experience your message: Giving them what they need. The Disparity Exercise. The Physicality Exercise.

Side 5-The Eye Factor

Understanding Visual Language. The three components of a spoken message. How to coordinate these components. What is WYSIWYG? The four eye factor skills: Eye communication, posture and movement, dress and appearance, and gestures and smile.

Side 11-Thinking on Your Feet

The "aha" of mental agility. The importance of being spontaneous. Building bridges for your audience. The fear of becoming a rambler or a blocker. Trust your brain. Handling distractions: Four tips. Two exercises to help you become more spontaneous. Six steps to mental agility.

Side 6-The Energy Factor

Sharpening the skills you need to become a high energy communicator. The first energy factor skill: Voice and vocal variety. Words and non-words: The second factor. Listener involvement: The third energy factor skill. The fourth skill: Humor

Side 12-Mastery and Self-Confidence

How to achieve mastery. Do the act and the attitude will follow. The four stages of speaking: The non-speaker, the occasional speaker, the willing speaker, and the communicator. The key to getting what you want. Becoming naturally persuasive. Eight steps to transform your communications. The willingness to risk.

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