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for the perfect choice, "KAREL MS26", a user friendly and multifunctional telephone system.

For better utilization of your system, please go through this guide carefully.

MS26 system has a capacity of 2 lines and 6 extensions.

Several optional accessories are available for MS26 system to form up an efficient communication system. Take a quick look at your chances.

Need a user friendly device to surf among hundreds of system features?

Feature Phone

enables you to access many system features and make one touch dialing by using the programmable keys.

Feature Phone with the special display provides an effective environment to monitor the state of operation and easily access many system features.

Handsfree version is also available.

Cost sensitive?

KY16 Mini Printer

lets you have a printout of the crucial information about the calls made, including the duration and cost of calls.

CM26 Call Record Processing Module

is suggested for the companies having a PC. With CM26, all information on the calls is available in PC ready for processing, filtering and obtaining statistical data.


DY26 Doorphone

lets you directly speak to the parties calling you through the doorphone.


In addition to MS26 system Karel has four other systems in MS family with different capacities:


1/4 or 2/8 capacities,


4/8 capacity,


48 total port capacity,


128 total port capacity.

For more information about all Karel products, please consult your installer.

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