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My plans for the future


My plans for the future

I often think about my future. At present I go to secondary school but I finish it in a year's time. I am in the fourth form and that is why I have to study a lot so as to pass the examination for the secondary-school certificate. I would like to get good marks a 21221f516v s I know that my future depends greatly on the results of this final exam. My mother says that I study too much and that I need a break but I reply that I will rest afterwards. First I have to graduate from school and then take the entrance examination to university.

I would like to study English. It has always been my dream to have a good command of this language. Besides, I would like to learn more about Englishmen, their culture, everyday life, habits and customs, I am going to work hard and attend classes and lectures regularly because I would like to be awarded a scholarship. When I am a fourth year student, I will write a thesis and get a master's degree. However, I want to stay at university and do postgraduate studies as it has always been my ambition to have a doctorate.

To make sense of my life, I see a satisfying job. It is not so important how much I will earn but my job must be sensible and enjoyable.

I do not know yet where I will live. I would like to have a flat of my own but I may be forced to live with my parents. I would also like to get married and have children some day. However, these are further plans. Now my professional career is the most important thing to me.


secondary school - szkoła średnia

the fourth from - czwarta klasa

to pass the examination - zdać egzamin

the secondary school certificate - świadectwo ukończenia szkoły średniej

good marks - dobre stopnie

to graduate from school - ukończyć szkołę

to take the entrance examination - zdać egzamin watępny

a good command - dobre opanowanie

to attend classes - chodzić na zajęcia

lecture - wykłady

to be awarded a scholarship - mieć przyznane stypendium

to write a theses - napisać pracę dyplomową

to do postgraduate studies - robić studia podyplomowe

doctorate - doktorat

satisfactory job - satysfakcjonująca praca

to earn - zarabiać

sensible - sensowny

enjoyable - przyjemny

professional career - kariera zawocowa

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