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Termeni de marketing, management si publicitate


Termeni de marketing, management si publicitate

4.1. Marketing planning / Planul de marketing
Marketing is the process that brings together the abilities of a company and the requirement of its customers:/ Marketing-ul reprezinta procesul care combina resursele companiei cu cerintele clientilor sai:

- the customer receives the benefits that satisfy his requirements; / clientul primeste beneficiile care ii satisfac nevoile;

- the company receives payment for the goods and makes some profit; / compania primeste plata pentru bunuri(marfuri) si castiga profit.

4.1.1. Planning / Planificare Planning is one of the most important roles of management. The company's corporate or business plan runs the business. / Planificarea reprezinta una dintre cele mai importante roluri ale managementului. Corporatia companiei sau planul de afaceri desfasoara afacerea. The marketing plan is only one part of the corporate plan and the marketing planning process therefore needs to be carried out as part of the overall company planning and budgeting process. / Planul de marketing reprezinta doar o parte a planului corporatiei, rezulta deci ca procesul de planificare a marketing-ului trebuie sa fie elaborat ca parte a planificarii generale a companiei si a procesului bugetar. The approach adopted by marketing planners is to implement action plans which will produce visible short-term results./ Abordarea facuta de planificatorii de marketing consta in implementarea planurilor de actiune care vor produce rezultate vizibile pe termen scurt. Selling involves persuading the customer to buy the product, but it is one aspect of the marketing proc 212f516c ess. Marketing involves finding out what the customers wants and matching the company's products and services to meet these requirements, and in the process making a profit for the company. / Vanzarea implica convingerea clientului de a cumpara produsul, dar este doar un aspect al procesului de marketing. Marketing-ul consta in aflarea cerintelor clientilor si imbunatatirea produselor si serviciilor companiei astfel incat sa indeplineasca aceste cerinte, iar intregul proces sa duca la realizarea de profit pentru companie. This involves understanding:/Aceasta implica intelegerea:
- the abilities of the company / resurselor companiei
- the requirements of the customers / cerintele clientilor
- the marketing environment in which you operate / mediul de marketing in care iti desfasori activitatea. The abilities of the company can be managed by controlling four main elements of the company's operation, often reffered to as the marketing mix. / Resursele companiei pot fi administrate prin controlul asupra a patru elemente principale ale activitatii companiei, adesea referindu-se la mixul de marketing:
- the product sold (Product)/ produsul vandut (Produs);
- the pricing policy (Price)/ politica de pret (Pret);
- how the product is promoted (Promotion)/ cum este promovat produsul (Promotie);
- the methods of distribution (Place)/ metode de distribuire (Pozitie). Marketing planning involves the application of marketing resources to achieve marketing objectives. It is used to segment markets, identify market position, forecast market size and plan a viable market share within each market segment./ Planificarea marketing-ului implica aplicarea resurselor de marketing cu scopul de a atinge obiectivele de marketing. Este folosita pentru segmentarea pietelor, identificarea pozitiei pe piata, estimarea marimii pietei si stabilirea unei portiuni de piata viabila din cadrul fiecariu segment de piata. Key marketing principles apply equally to the marketing of consumer and capital goods and to services. / Principiile de baza in marketing se aplica in mod egal marketingului clientului, mijloacelor de productie si serviciilor. A marketing plan is a documet which formulates a plan for marketing products and/or services. The overall marketing plan can be made up of a number of smaller marketing plans for individual products or areas. / Un plan de marketing este un document care cuprinde un plan pentru produsele si/sau serviciile de marketing. Intregul plan de marketing poate fi alcatuit din mai multe planuri de marketing mai mici pentru produse sau zone individuale. A company marketing plan sets out the company's marketing objectives and suggests strategies to achieve them. / Planul de marketing al unei companii stabileste obiectivele de marketing ale companiei si sugereaza strategiile de indeplinire a lor.

4.1.2. Stages in the preparation of a marketing plan/ Etapele pregatirii unui plan de marketing
(1) Corporate objectives are normally expressed in financial terms and they define what the company aims to be at some time in the future.
Obiectivele corporatiei se exprima in mod normal prin termeni financiari si definesc ceea ce compania isi propune pentru viitor.

(2) Before looking at in-house data, it is important to collect and analyse external data related to the markets that the plan will cover. Inainte de a analiza datele interne, este important sa se adune si analizeze datele externe in legatura cu pietele pe care planul le va acoperi.
This is the key information concerning the companies, industries and countries/ areas that the product is being sold in, as well as information on the customers and competitors. /Acestea reprezinta informatii de baza cu privire la companii, industrii si tari/zone in care produsul este vandut, precum si informatii despre clienti si concurenti.

(3) Includes a detailed study of the company's marketing mix - its products/ services, promotions (advertising, PR and sales promotion) and distribution. / Include un studiu detaliat asupra mixului de marketing al companiei - serviciile/ produsele sale, promotii (publicitate, relatii publice si promovarea vanzarilor) si distributia.

(4) SWOT - Strengths / Puncte tari
- Weaknesses / Puncte slabe
- Opportunities / Oportunitati in the marketplace
- Threats / Temeri, amenintari

(5) Assumptions could relate to / Presupunerile ar putea fi legate de:
- inflation rate / rata inflatiei
- currency / valuta
- exchange rates / ratele de schimb
- market growth rates / ratele crescute de pe piata
- the effect of price competition on price levels in the industry/ efectul competitiei preturilor asupra nivelelor de pret din industrie

(6) It relates to which products you want to sell into which markets / Se leaga de felul produselor pe care vrei sa le vinzi si de felul pietelor
It is important not to confuse / Este important sa nu se confunde
Objective = is what you want to achieve / Obiectiv= reprezinta ceea ce vrei sa realizezi
Strategy = is how you get there / Strategie = reprezinta modul in care reusesti sa realizezi.

(7) Marketing strategies relate to general policies for the following / Strategiile de marketing se leaga de politicile generale privind urmat:

(a) Products / Produse
- changing product portfolio/mix - schimbarea portofoliului/mixului produsului
- dropping, adding or modifying products - indepartarea, adaugarea sau modificarea produselor
- changing design, quality and performance - schimbarea formei, calitatii si performantei
- consolidating/ standardizing - consolidare, standardizare

(b) Price / Pret
- changing price, terms or conditions for particular product groups in particular market segments - modificarea pretului, a termenelor ori conditiilor pentru grupuri de produse speciale in cadrul segmentelor de piata speciale
- skimming policies - politici de inlaturare
- penetration policies - politici de infiltrare
- discount policies - politici de acordare a discount-ului

(c) Promotion / Promovare
- changing selling organization - modificarea tehnicii de vanzare
- changing advertising or sales promotion - modificarea publicitatii sau promovarii vanzarilor
- changing public relations policy - modificarea politicii de relatii publice
- increasing/ decreasing exhibition coverage - cresterea/ descresterea numarului de expozitii

(d) Distribution / Distributie
- changing distribution channels - schimbarea canalelor de distributie
- improving service - imbunatatirea serviciilor.

4.2 Important Marketing Tips / 10 Sfaturi Importante in Marketing Tip 1
Protect yourself against the impact of change by increasing the number of products and services you offer ...and by using a variety of different marketing methods. Only a small portion of your total business will be affected if the sales of one product declines or the response to one marketing method drops. Protejeaza-te de impactul schimbarilor prin marirea numarului de produse si servicii pe care le prin folosirea mai multor metode de marketing. Doar o mica parte din afacerea ta va fi afectata daca vanzarile unui produs scad sau daca o metoda de marketing folosita este inadecvata.

Tip 2
Customers are prospects too. Stay in contact with them. Find or develop other products or services you can offer them. It's easier to make a sale to a previous customer than to someone who never bought from you.
Clientii reprezinta si ei perspective. Ramai in contact cu ei. Gaseste sau creeaza alte produse sau servicii pe care sa le poti oferi. Este mult mai usor sa vinzi unui client decat unei persoane care nu a cumparat niciodata de la tine.

Tip 3
Avoid making any claim that sounds exaggerated ...even if it is true.
Evita sa sustii ceva care pare exagerat...chiar daca este adevarat.

Tip 4
Express numerical claims as odd numbers with fractions or decimals. For example, "Our clients save 17.7 percent" sounds more believable than "Our clients save 20 percent" ...even if 20 percent is the accurate number.
Fa referire la numere impare, cu fractii sau zecimale. De exemplu, "Clientii nostri economisesc 17.7%" pare mai credibil decat "Clientii nostri economisesc 20 %"...chiar daca 20% este cifra corecta.

Tip 5
To create an absolutely irresistible offer, combine a special discount price and a set of valuable bonuses in the same offer.
Pentru a face o oferta absolut irezistibila, combina o reducere de pret cu un set de bonusuri in aceeasi oferta.

Tip 6
Develop a series of 4 or 5 different special offers. Use them one at a time with an expiration deadline. When one offer expires, replace it with the next offer and a new deadline. Continuously recycle through the same series of offers. This enables you to keep using special offers to generate sales without taking time to develop new ones.
Creeaza un pachet de 4 sau 5 oferte speciale. Foloseste-le pe rand si pe durata limitata. Cand expira o oferta, inlocuieste-o cu urmatoarea oferta pe termen limitat. Foloseste aceleasi oferte in mod ciclic. Astfel, vei folosi intotdeauna oferte speciale pentru a face vanzari fara sa pierzi timp pentru a crea tipuri noi de oferta.

Tip 7
If you're attracting many prospects who really don't have (or can't get) the money to buy your product or service need to change your market. Target a market where prospects have an intense desire for the benefits produced by your product or service - AND the money to buy it.
Daca sunt interesati de produsele sau serviciile tale multi potentiali clienti care nu au (sau nu pot face rost de) banii necesari cumpararii...trebuie sa
te reorientezi spre alta piata. Tinteste o piata in care potentialii clienti interesati de produsele sau serviciile tale au si banii necesari cumpararii.

Tip 8
Set yourself apart from competitors by offering an exclusive benefit your competitors cannot copy ...or one they're not willing to copy. For example, a business owner includes his personal phone number on every order. His competitors don't - and they are not likely to start making themselves that accessible to customers.
Diferentiaza-te de competitorii tai oferind un beneficiu pe care acestia nu il pot oferi ... sau nu sunt dispusi sa-l ofere. De exemplu, un om de afaceri ofera numarul lui de telefon la fiecare comanda onorata. Competitorii sai nu fac acest lucru - si e putin probabil ca vor dori sa poata fi contactati de clienti oricand.

Tip 9
Advertising copy produces the biggest response when each reader can believe the message was written specifically for him or her. As you write any sales message, visualize you're writing to one person instead of to a large group of people. This will help you write in a less formal and more personal style.
Reclama personalizata are impact atunci cand fiecare cititor are impresia ca mesajul i se adreseaza personal. Cand compui un mesaj publicitar, imagineaza-ti ca te adresezi unei persoane si nu unui grup de persoane. Aceasta te va ajuta sa transmiti un mesaj mai putin formal.

Tip 10
Most sales are not made on the first contact. Develop a method to capture and save the names and contact information of prospects who don't buy from you. Follow up periodically. A little gentle coaching will eventually convert many of them into buyers.
Cele mai multe vanzari nu se fac dupa primul contact cu potentialul client. Utilizeaza o metoda care iti permite sa retii numele si datele de contact ale potentialilor clienti care nu au cumparat de la tine. Contacteaza-i in mod regulat. Un mic imbold ii poate transforma in clienti.

Each of these 10 marketing tips implements a simple but highly effective marketing tactic. Fiecare din aceste 10 sfaturi prezinta o tactica de marketing simpla dar foarte eficienta.

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