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"An apple a day keeps the doctor away"


"An apple a day keeps the doctor away"

An apple a day, or perhaps as little as an apple or two a week, may help people avoid the doctor and breathe easier. The new wave of food chemistry which is influencing health-thinking is largely about s 11411f513l o-called phytochemicals. For apples, whereas they were previously thought of as contributing mainly dietary fibre, water and physical structure to food intake, with little in the way of micronutrients, they are now seen to be of much greater potential health significance. Apples contain antioxidant vitamins, but they only make up a small proportion of the antioxidants in apples. Apples, especially apple skins, are also high in the antioxidant phytochemicals. Research has indicated that phytochemicals found in apples could be responsible for the prevention of heart disease and certain cancers. Vitamin C only accounts for less than 10% of the antioxidant capacity of apples. The balance is derived from the phenolic antioxidants. Cornell researchers found that eating 100g of fresh red delicious apples with skins provided the total antioxidant activity equal to 1,500 milligrams of vitamin C. Oxidation is a natural process in the body that can lead to cell and tissue damage, and may also lead to more serious problems such as cancer, cardiovascular disease and cataracts. Antioxidants are substances which delay or prevent deterioration caused by oxygen. Phytochemicals found in apples are not only potent antioxidants, they can also help prevent inflammation and blood clotting , which is important for preventing heart disease, and prevent the proliferation and spread of cancer cells. Apples are easy to digest, and they contain malic and tartaric acids that prevent fermentation in the intestines. And if that wasn't enough, apples can also prevent some forms of cancer! In addition tothe benefits from the nutrients in the apples, the act of eating apples is also healthy! Feasting on a raw apple gives the gums a nice cleanse and healthy massage. Eating your apple with the skin on ensures that you get all of the phytochemicals the apple has to offer. Also, eat a variety of different apples because the amount of phytochemicals in the apple flesh and in the skin varies from variety to variety, year to year, season to season and from growing region to growing region. Apples may not really keep the doctors away, but they certainly aid in making this statement true!

Zalhan Andrei

Management, Anul I

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