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CONCURS DE ADMITERE Academia de Politie"Alexandru Ioan Cuza" engleza


Ministerul Internelor

si Reformei Administrative

Academia de Politie"Alexandru Ioan Cuza"


Sesiunea iulie

august 200



1) We get on very well with our next-door neighbours. We are _______ with them.

a) on good premises 24224b122y

b) on good terms

c) in fine terms

d) over good relations

2) The manager was ________ upset when his employees failed in their task.

a) rightly

b) right

c) rightful

d) rightfully

3) stiu engleza foarte bine si īmi place foarte mult conversatia cu vorbitorii nativi.

a)I know very well English and I like very much conversation with native speakers.

b) I know very well English and I like conversation with native speakers very much.

c) I know English very well and I like very much conversation with native speakers.

d) I know English very well and I like conversation with native speakers very much.

4) ________ the whole, I found his novel __________ disappointing.

a) In / profoundely

b) On / profound

c) On / profoundly

d) Over / profoundly

5) Should they ________their dinner, they will go out for a walk as nights ________ be pretty warm here

in September.

a) finished / can

b) have finished / can

c) be finishing / may

d) finish / ought to

6) You didn't tell me you liked English literature. If I ____________, I _____________ you a good

English novel.

a) have known / will give

b) had known / would have given

c) would have known / would have given

d) would have known / had given

7) Before she knew it, her car crashed into a tree.

If she __________more careful, she _________in hospital now.

a) had been / isn't

b) would have been / wouldn't be

c) has been / weren't

d) had been / wouldn't be

Nota:Fiecare īntrebare are o singura varianta de raspuns corecta.

Exemplu de marcare raspuns:Raspuns corect la īntrebarea nr ... b)

Pagina 2din 5

a) b) c) d)

Ministerul Internelor

si Reformei Administrative

Academia de Politie"Alexandru Ioan Cuza"


Sesiunea iulie

august 200



8) Fortunately, the flood didn't ________much damage to the village.

a) do

b) make

c) hit

d) hold

9) Credeam ca discursul acela e o pura prostie.

a) I thought that speech is an utter nonsense.

b) I thought that speech was an utterly nonsense.

c) I thought that speech is utterly nonsense.

d) I thought that speech was utter nonsense.

10) The students are getting ready for a _________ trip. They will travel in ________ and ________ to

visit the museum.

a) three-days / pairs / threes

b) three-day's / pair / three

c) three-day / pairs / threes

d) three-days / pair / threes

11) I don't believe he has failed his driving test again.

____________________his driving test again.

a)He mustn't have failed

b) He can't have failed

c) I can't believe he should fail

d) It's impossible he may fail

12) I begged him to accept some money, but he ________ hear of it. He thinks he ________ as well

consider a bank loan, but the situation ________ be worse.

a) shouldn't / could / won't

b) wouldn't / may / can't

c) won't / might / shouldn't

d) didn't / could / couldn't

13) She clearly remembers ____________ a nice present and her mother kept her word.

a) to be promised

b) being promised

c) been promised

d) to being promised

14) The news that somebody broke into their house shocked me.

I was ____________ by the news that their house ____________ .

a) taken aback / had been broken into

b) taken up / had been broken

c) put off / had been broken into

d) taken off / was broken

Nota:Fiecare īntrebare are o singura varianta de raspuns corecta.

Exemplu de marcare raspuns:Raspuns corect la īntrebarea nr ... b)

Pagina 3din 5

a) b) c) d)

Ministerul Internelor

si Reformei Administrative

Academia de Politie"Alexandru Ioan Cuza"


Sesiunea iulie

august 200



15) Would you mind ____________the radio down ?

a) to turn

b) to be turning

c) to have turned

d) turning

16) I saw her ________, but I don't know if she came back .She is said ________out.

a) leave / to be moving

b) leaving / be moving

c) left / to move

d) to leave / to move

17) Ce-ai vrea sa faca ei ?

a) What would you have them to do?

b) What would you better they did?

c) What would you rather they do?

d) What would you rather they did?

18) Vorbeste de parca ar fi descoperit America si īntotdeauna se da mare, desi e mult zgomot pentru


a) He speaks as if he would have discovered America and he is always showing off, though it's much

noise about nothing.

b) He speaks as if he had discovered America and he always shows of, though it's much noise for nothing.

c) He speaks as if he had discovered America and he is always showing off, though it's much ado about


d) He speaks as if he has discovered America and he always is showing off, though it is much ado for


19) Money isn't the solution ______ every problem.

a) of

b) at

c) to

d) against

20) She turned as white as ________ when you told her the storyabout the _______ house.

a) ice / hunted

b) snow / hunting

c) a wall / haunting

d) a sheet / haunted

21) Credeam ca o sa-l vizitezi cānd o sa afli ca s-a casatorit si e acum īn Londra.

a) I thought you will pay him a visit when you learn he got married and now is in London.

b) I was thinking you will pay him a visit when you will learn he got married and now is in London.

c) I thought you would pay him a visit when you learnt he has got married and now is in London.

d) I thought you would pay him a visit when you learnt he had got married and now was in London.

Nota:Fiecare īntrebare are o singura varianta de raspuns corecta.

Exemplu de marcare raspuns:Raspuns corect la īntrebarea nr ... b)

Pagina 4din 5

a) b) c) d)

Ministerul Internelor

si Reformei Administrative

Academia de Politie"Alexandru Ioan Cuza"


Sesiunea iulie

august 200



22) "I _________ to Mary for ages".

"Really ? How long is it since you _______ her ?"

a) didn't talk / have seen

b) haven't talked / saw

c) hadn't talked / have seen

d) haven't talked / seen

23) Ea a spus ca īsi va vinde masina. Doar peste o saptamāna ne-am dat seama ce s-a īntāmplat.

She __________ she ___________her car. Only a week later ______________what

a) said / would sell / we realized / had happened

b) told / would sell / we realized / happened

c) said / would sell / did we realize / had happened

d) said / will sell / we realized / happened.

24) Parents are always proud when their children take ________them.

a) after

b) by

c) about

d) over

25) Social status ________ for little if you are marooned on a remote island.

a) applies

b) signifies

c) counts

d) makes

26) Pune-o sa vina īnainte sa se porneasca ploaia, daca nu o sa te puna ea sa vii sa o iei cu umbrela.

a) Have her to come before it will start raining, or she will have you to come and pick her with an


b) Have her come before it will start raining, or she will have you come and pick her with an umbrella.

c) Have her come before it starts raining, or she will have you come and pick her with an umbrella.

d) Have her come before it starts raining, or she will have you coming and picking her with an umbrella.

27) I wouldn't describe his family as ________, although they live in a beautiful house.

a) well-off

b) good-off

c) well-on

d) well-up

28) I took two books with me on holiday, but I didn't read _______ of them, while Peter took five books,

but he didn't read _______ of them.

a) neither / some

b) neither / none

c) none / any

d) either /any

Nota:Fiecare īntrebare are o singura varianta de raspuns corecta.

Exemplu de marcare raspuns:Raspuns corect la īntrebarea nr ... b)

Pagina 5din 5

a) b) c) d)

Ministerul Internelor

si Reformei Administrative

Academia de Politie"Alexandru Ioan Cuza"


Sesiunea iulie

august 200



29) El a spus ca va trebui sa stam in casa pāna cānd se va potoli furtuna.

a) He said we would have to stay inside until the storm blew itself out.

b) He told we would have to stay inside until the storm blew itself out.

c) He said we must stay inside until the storm will blow itself out.

d) He said we would have to stay inside until the storm has blowed itself out.

30) Brenda explained ________ that if she ________ how the robot ________, she ________ me, too.

a) me / knew / works / would have told

b) me / knew / worked / would tell

c) to me / would know / works / would tell

d) to me / knew / worked / would tell

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