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Apis Mellifica - Honey Bee


Apis Mellifica - Honey Bee.

Indicated in eruptive fevers, especially in scarlatina; in diphtheria; in inflammatory affections, particularly in those of erysipelatous tendency; in dropsies with absence of thirst and scanty urination; nephritis. Very important in the treatment of post-scarlatinal dropsy. Used in intermittent and other fevers; in ovarian diseases; in certain coughs, with much dyspnoea.

Stinging pains, like bee stings, followed by burning, changing from place to place; painful to touch.

Boils and swellings, with stinging pain.

Tired, as if bruised all over.

Bag-like swelling under the eyes.

Oedamatous swelling in different parts of the body.

Enlargement and induration of glands with stinging pain.

Tongue feels raw, sore, scalded; red and hot at the tip.

Dropsy without thirst; scanty urine.

Great dyspnoea, as if every breath would be the last.

Deep ulceration in the throat, with erysipelatous or oedematous borders.

Painful, scanty urination, with burning before and during micturition.

Fever without thirst.

Irritation in supra-sternal fossa, provoking cough.

Tickling in the little spot on the posterior pharynx, exciting cough which stops as soon as a bit of mucus is raised.

Severe concussive cough; it painfully jars the head, so he must bend the head back and hold it to relieve the severity of the shock.

Diarrhoea of yellow-green stools, in the morning, with abdominal soreness.

Enlargement and burning-stinging pain in the ovaries, especially right.

Bearing down as if menses would appear, followed by scanty discharge of black mucus.

Chill from 3 to 5 o'clock p. m.; it runs down the back and is worse in in a warm room and near the stove.

Worse on the right side; after sleeping; in a hot, close room; from getting drenched; at night, toward morning. Better in the open air; form bathing parts in cold water; from uncovering; during the day, when sitting up.

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