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Arnica Montana Mountain Arnica Indicated in troubles connected with receipt of some injury, or from the excessive use of some part of the body; after severe labor


Arnica Montana Mountain Arnica

Indicated in troubles connected with receipt of some injury, or from the excessive use of some part of the body; after severe labor. The sense of sorenes 19519f58t s and of being bruised all over is characteristic, as well as the dread of being approached, seen in gout.

The bed on which he lies feels too hard; he must change position constantly.

Sore, lame, bruised feeling all over, as though beaten.

Fears being touched; dreads having anyone come near him.

Feels sore and bruised in the hips, hence cannot walk erect.

Oversensitiveness to pain.

Head hot, the rest of the body cool.

Internal heat, with coldness of hands and feet.

Thirst during chill.

Taste as from a bad egg; pressure in the stomach as from a stone.

Stools offensive, brown, putrid, bloody; after stool exhausted, so he is obliged to lie down.

Skin covered with itching, burning, small pimples and boils.

Black and blue spots on the body.

Worse from rest; from lying down; form wine dampness, cold.

Better from lying with the head low; from contact and motion.

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